This research is hased on the hackgroiincl of the problem of flue absorption ofa loss tliaii optimal biiclggt, ltte occurrerfi° of budget dilplfcalion, attd the inefficient fiinds used. This study aints fa determine the perfomiance of the hudget expendifure of ihe Nalional Unity and Political Body of flue Province of Soulli Sumatra. This researcJi is eniillecl “Performance Anal)•sis of National Unity and Political Unity Budpel Expenditures of the Province of Soufh Suriialra“. The concept tii’eJ is Value For Lloiiey from Mnlimudi. which iiiclifdes e'r.oiio,iiiic dimensions, efficielicy aifJ effectiveness. "The method iisec! is clescriptive qiianlitalive tiieilio‹l. Data colleclion techniques inclycle qtiestionnairez’ and clociimetifatioti. Tlte da ia alialysis fec/inique irsc•d is Ihe central lencleiicy fee /, ‹Iisper.s ioii tes’t and histogram. The results of f/its’ sludy indicate llwt fhe budgelui y performaiice of the Notional ancl Political Unily Ageticy of South Sumall'a Provfiice is not good, hecause the ecoitoittic dimension is at a les.s economical percentage, the efficiency dimeii.sioii is at a very e cient per centage, the cJec/iveiie.sâ dimen ’ion is in flue hss effective perceiilcige, fJifS Aflow3’ that the use ofe.xisimg financial resources is less economical. llie activities aiicl programs intpleinented are verf' ufficieiil, //ie beiiefils generafed from lli‹• iri‹@‹ cin’c culprit, it is recoinniencled fJini the National and Political Unty Agene)' of tlte Pravuu:e of South Suiitalra Io serve budget planning, procluce heller oulpul willi //ie lowest expeiidiliire, pay attention to the planning aiicl i0iyJemenfafion of programs ancl activities cm‹:1 hciiefil.‹ to be produced.
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