This study aimed to determine the characteristics of bioplastics made from lotus root starch (Nelumbo nucifera) with tiger prawns(Penaeus monodon) chitosan composite with different formulations. The study was carried out in a laboratory experiment with a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) and the data obtained was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and if significantly different it would be continued with the HSD (Honestly Significance Difference) test. The manufacture of biodegradable plastic was carried out with 5 different formulations based on the ratio of lotus root starch and chitosan (1.5:0.5g, 1.4:0.6g, 1.3:0.7g, 1.2:0.8g, 1, 1:0.9g). The parameters of biodegradable plastics tested included water absorption test, tensile strength test, color test, scanning electron microscope test, Fourier Transform Infra Red test and biodegradability test. The results are presented in tables and graphs. The results of this study indicate that the range of tensile strength values were 3.303 - 4.877 MPa, water absorption is 28% - 228%, the degree of whiteness test is 61.13% - 66.09%, The scanning electron microscope test gave the best results in formulations F4 and F5 which had the best surface, on the Fourier Transform test. Infra Red biodegradable plastic produced has no difference in its functional groups and in the biodegradability test within 9- 14 days the bioplastic has decomposed naturally. The ratio of lotus root starch and chitosan which produced biodegradable plastic with the best characteristics was found in the F3 treatment with a ratio of 1.3 : 0.7 gram of lotus root starch and chitosan. Based on the SNI regarding biodegradable plastics, biodegradable plastic based on lotus root starch and chitosan with the F5 formulation is the best formulation because it meets the standards for biodegradability value and water absorption value but does not yet meet the tensile strength value. Keywords : Biodegradable plastic, chitosan, lotus root starch ARYA ADY WIGUNA. Pembuatan Plastik Biodegradable dari Pati Umbi Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) dengan Komposit Kitosan Udang Windu (Panaeus monodon) (Dibimbing oleh INDAH WIDIASTUTI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik bioplastik berbahan pati umbi lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) dengan komposit kitosan udang windu (Penaeus monodon) dengan formulasi yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimental laboratorium dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Varian (ANOVA) dan jika berbeda nyata akan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut BNJ (Beda Nyata Jujur). Pembuatan plastik biodegradable dilakukan dengan 5 formulasi berbeda berdasarkan rasio pati umbi lotus dan kitosan (1,5:0,5g, 1,4:0,6g, 1,3:0,7g, 1,2:0,8g, 1,1:0,9g). Sifat plastik biodegradable yang diuji meliputi uji daya serap air, uji kuat tarik, uji warna, uji Scanning electron microscope, uji Fourier Transform Infra Red dan uji biodegradabilitas.. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rentang nilai kuat tarik 3.303 - 4.877 MPa, daya serap air 28% - 228 %, uji derajat putih 61.13% - 66.09%, pada uji Scanning electron microscope memberikan hasil terbaik pada formulasi F4 dan F5 memiliki permukaan paling baik, pada uji Fourier Transform Infra Red plastik biodegradable yang dihasilkan tidak memiliki perbedaan pada gugus fungsinya dan pada uji biodegradabilitas dalam jangka waktu 9-14 hari bioplastik sudah terurai secara alami. Adapun rasio pati umbi lotus dan kitosan yang menghasilkan plastik biodegradable dengan karakteristik terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan F3 dengan rasio perbandingan 1,3 : 0,7 gram pati umbi lotus dan kitosan. Berdasarkan SNI tentang plastik biodegradable, plastik biodegradable berbasis pati umbi lotus dan kitosan dengan formulasi F5 merupakan formulasi terbaik dikarenakan sudah memenuhi standar dari nilai biodegradabilitas dan nilai daya serap air namun belum memenuhi nilai kuat tarik. Kata kunci : Kitosan, pati umbi lotus, plastik biodegradable
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