The market as a place to sell or buy people's daily needs has an interaction that is not supported by good sanitation and can become a place for disease transmission and environmental pollution. This study aims to analyze the sanitation application of the Jakabaring Palembang Traditional Retail Market. This research includes qualitative research with an observational descriptive design. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews by means of photovoice method, observation sheets and document review, in this study amounted to 8 people. purposive sampling technique. Information analysis with content analysis. test the validity of the triangulation of sources, methods, and data. The results of the study show that human resources are in accordance with the standards, there are 2 community health centers, allocations from APBD and market managers, facilities & infrastructure have been fulfilled and the market is built by the city government. The policy for implementing market sanitation has referred to the Regional Government No. 20 of 2011 and the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 519/MENKES/SK/VI/2008. The implementation of programs such as recording & reporting has been going well, inspection and assessment of sanitation inspections have gone well according to the next market inspection checklist, the results of the recapitulation of recording and reporting there are 2 markets that meet the requirements and the results of market inspections that the market is categorized as an unhealthy market. It can be concluded that the application of market sanitation for Human Resources has been fulfilled, the allocation of funds is sufficient, the completeness of facilities & infrastructure is sufficient, the inspection and assessment of sanitation inspections is based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 519/MENKES/SK/VI/2008. The Jakabaring Retail Market is an unhealthy market. It is recommended to provide closed and separate trash cans, closed drainage and there are fire fighting equipment, health service posts and first aid in accidents (P3K).
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