Transgander are a group that has a risk of being infected with sexually transmitted infections. Indonesia has a fairly high increase in the prevalence of STIs in the transgender group of 25.80%. Palembang is one of the cities in Indonesia that has the highest prevalence of STIs, with 16% of syphilis cases and 21.9% of gonorrhea cases in the transgender group. One of the reasons for the increase in the prevalence of STI cases in the transgender group is the inconsistency of using condoms during sexual intercourse. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the consistency of condom use in transgender groups in Palembang. Study This is study quantitative with design studies cross-sectional. Population in research This is whole waria in the city of Palembang with sample as many as 55 transvestites and techniques taking sample used is Respondent Driven Sample (RDS). Data analysis performed is analysis univariate , bivariate , and multivariate with statistical tests chi-square. Results of analysis on research This show that as much as 49,1% not consistent transgander in use condoms, for variable availability condom (p-value = 0.001) PR value = 5,836, means negotiation use condom (p-value = 0.017) PR value = 2,396, support officer health (p-value = 0.039) PR value = 2,416, and motivation use condoms (p-value = 0.011) PR value = 2,903 has connection with consistency use condoms for transgander. Variable availability condom with p-value = 0.006 with a PR value of 12,858 . Conclusion on research this is there is connection between availability condom, wat negotiation, support officer health and motivation use condom. Suggestions on research this is more increase support among transgander with each other remind for always use condom during sexual intercourse, provision of informatin about use condoms and STIs for fellow transgender .
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