Pamor - unsri campus bus transportation which is managed by privat e parlies, where i t is located in Seberang Ulu 1 sub disctrict, helps reducing the usage of private vehicles in Palembang. The bus doesn’t have an exactly schedule for the departure and arrival makes people who w ani t o go t o Inderalaya parking their cars i n KB junction. This private parlies bus has limited capacity, which means i t can't accomodate all vehicle users, particulary the motorcyle users. Because of it, it must controling the parker in order to make it more effective for parking activity. In this case, the transport demand management is park and ride. The motives of this research are to knowing the characteristic of the park and ride users, t o knowing the factors which are injluence people to doing park and ride, and to knowing the park and ride facilities and Services in KB junction. This research uses the descriptive analysis and revealed preference interview analysis using the SPSS Software. Before the analysis, the interview analysis and investarisation parking should be done in order to get the accurate data. This research shows people who doing the park and ride in KB junction by the gender is the men mostly. By the ages is about 10-25 years old. By the usage frequency is 5 times a week. By the occupation is the university students, and by the income is about 1-2 million per month. The formulas for the regression is y = 2,552 + 0,831 X3 + 0,035 X5 with 5,5% error of the frequency of P&R usage which is from direct observation in the field. From the graph, the most respondents say the parking area is just soso are 35 respondents. It means the facilities and the Services still low, with the limited facilities.
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