ABSTRACT Clindamycin HCl is used in the treatment of acne. Development of an ethosomal delivery system to overcome the problem of penetration of clindamycin HCl into the skin layer. The aim of this study was to obtain good ethosomal characteristics of clindamycin HCl by optimization process. Optimization was carried out using a factorial design method of 22 through Design-Expert 12® with a phospolipon factor of 90G and ethanol on the response of adsorption efficiency values, particle size, and polydispersity index values. The optimum formula was characterized by solubility test and cyling test. Cycling test was done by method heating cooling, Solubility of ethosomal suspension clindamycin HCl was tested using simulated method, i.e. Aquadest, NaOH 5%, NaHCO3 5%, HCl 5%,SIF and SGF. The otimum formula obtained was found in the use of 2% phospolypon 90G and 40% ethanol with an adsorption efficiency of 98.31 ± 0.06, a particle size of 179.6 ± 8.6, and a polydispersity index of 0.361 ± 0.015. The results of characterization of the optimum formula of clindamycin HCl ethosomal suspension showed that the suspension was completely soluble in aquadest and acid solutions but difficult to dissolve in alkaline solutions. The results of the cyling test proved that the clindamycin HCl ethosomes were stable with no change in color, odor, or precipitate formed. The pH value and percent adsorption efficiency value on the cyling test showed no significant changes therefore that the clindamycin HCl ethosomal suspension was stable.The result of the solubility test showed that ethosomal was soluble in SGF, NaHCO3 5% and aquadest, but in SIF, NaOH 5% and HCl 5% was hard soluble. It can be concluded that the optimum formula of clindamycin HCl ethosomes has good characteristics and stability. Key words : Clindamycin HCl, Ethosomes, Phospolipon 90G, Factorial design ABSTRAK Klindamisin HCl digunakan dalam pengatasan jerawat. Pengembangan sistem penghantaran etosom untuk mengatasi permasalahan dari penetrasi Klindamisin HCl kedalam lapisan kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapat karakteristik etosom Klindamisin HCl yang baik melalui proses optimasi. Optimasi dilakukan menggunakan metode desain faktorial 22 melalui Design-Expert 12® dengan faktor phospolipon 90G dan etanol terhadap respon nilai efisiensi penjerapan, ukuran partikel dan nilai indeks polidispersitas. Formula optimum dikarakterisasi dengan uji kelarutan dan cyling test. Cyling test dilakukan dengan metode heating cooling, Kelarutan suspensi etosom klindamisin HCl diuji menggunakan metode simulasi, yaitu aquadest, NaOH 5%, NaHCO3 5%, HCl 5%, SIF dan SGF.Formula optimum yang diperoleh terdapat pada penggunaan phospolipon 90G 2% dan etanol 40% dengan nilai hasil efisiensi penjerapan 98,31 ± 0,06, ukuran partikel 179,6 ± 8,6, dan indeks polidispersitas 0,361 ± 0,015. Hasil karakterisasi formula optimum suspensi etosom klindamisin HCl didapatkan bahwa suspensi dapat larut sempurna dalam larutan aquadest dan asam tetapi sukar larut dalam larutan basa. Hasil pengujian cyling test membuktikan bahwa etosom Klindamisin HCl stabil dengan tanpa adanya perubahan warna, bau, ataupun endapan yang terbentuk. Nilai pH dan nilai persen efisiensi penjerapan pada cyling test menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan sehingga suspensi etosom klindamisin HCl masih stabil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian etosom klindamisin HCl larut didalam SGF, NaHCO3 5% and aquadest, tetapi didalam SIF, NaOH 5% and HCl 5% sukar larut. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa formula optimum etosom Klindamisin HCl memiliki karakteristik dan kestabilan yang baik. Kata kunci : Klindamisin HCl, Etosom, Phospolipon 90G , Desain faktorial
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