White turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe) is a plant that used as a traditional medicine in treating various diseases and as cooking spices. It is known that the demand for plants including white turmeric rhizome continues to increase, but in meeting the increasing availability of medicinal plants, Indonesia is still experiencing problems in developing medicinal plant production, one of which is the availability of a sustainable supply of medicinal plants. The growth of white turmeric takes a long time to be cultivated. One effort that can be done is to increase the growth of rhizomes using Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria or PGPR. PGPR is a rhizobacteria that works as biofertilizer and act as increasing growth of plant, therefore research about Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) concentration effect to the growth of white turmeric rhizome (Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe) is needed. This research was conducted from December 2021 to January 2022. Located at the Experimental House, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University, Indralaya, South Sumatra. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments with 5 repetitions. Observation variables were the time of emergence of rhizome buds, percentage of rhizomes sprouted, percentage of rooted rhizomes, number of shoots, shoot height, number of roots, root length and number of leaves. The data obtained from observations and measurements were carried out statistically using the Analysis of Variance (Anova), then it would be continued with Duncan's multiple distance test at 5% level to find out which treatments were significantly different. Based on the research, white turmeric rhizome soaked in PGPR at a concentration of 125 ml/L got better results at an average shoot height of 15.80, an average number of shoots 2.40, an average number of roots 6.40, and an average root length 20.26. The growth of white turmeric rhizome got the best results for the time of shoot emergence at the concentration of PGPR 125 ml/L treatment which was 5.60 DAS and PGPR concentration of 187.5 ml/L was 6.60 DAS. The better average number of leaves was found at a PGPR concentration of 62.5 ml/L, which was 4.00. The conclusion of the study was that the PGPR immersion treatment had a better effect on the growth of white turmeric rhizome than without the PGPR immersion treatment.
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