Studi batuan asal (provenance) telah dilakukan di daerah Tanjung Sirih dan sekitarnya, Kecamatan Pulau Pinang, Kabupaten Lahat, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, dengan mendeskripsikan singkapan batupasir secara megaskopis serta menganalisis petrografi terhadap 6 (enam) pemerconto batupasir yang diambil dari Formasi Talang Akar Atas. Deskripsi megaskopis singkapan batupasir menunjukkan bahwa batupasir memiliki ukuran butir dari pasir kasar – pasir halus, serta kehadiran struktur sedimen berupa laminasi sejajar dan perlapisan. Hasil analisis petrografi terhadap 6 (enam) sampel batupasir dengan menghitung kandungan mineral kuarsa, felspar dan fragmen litik termasuk ke dalam jenis batuan feldsphatic wacke. Analisis tatanan tektonik mengacu kepada diagram Q – F – L dan Qm – F – Lt menunjukkan bahwa batupasir Formasi Talang Akar Atas daerah penelitian termasuk ke dalam seting tektonik magmatic arc sub – zona diseected arc, yang diinterpretasikan berkaitan dengan aktivitas zona subduksi Sumatera sehingga menghasilkan busur magmatik Sumatera – Meratus. Kemudian seting tektonik continental blok sub – zona basement uplift dan transitional continental merupakan daerah passive margin dimana aktivitas tektonik dan vulkanisme minim terjadi. Asal mineral kuarsa pada batupasir bersumber dari batuan granitik (granit) yang mengalami proses metamorfosa berderajat rendah pada lingkungan iklim semi kering dan berkembang menjadi lembab. Kata Kunci : Formasi Talang Akar Atas, provenance batupasir, asal mineral kuarsa, iklim purba. A provenance study has been carried out in Tanjung Sirih and its surroundings, Pulau Pinang Subdistrict, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Province, by describing the sandstone outcrops megascopically and analyzing petrographically on 6 (six) sandstone samples taken from the Talang Akar Atas Formation. The megascopic description of the sandstone outcrop shows that the sandstone has a grain size of coarse sand to fine sand and the presence of sedimentary structures in the form of parallel lamination and bedding. The results of petrographic analysis of 6 (six) sandstone samples were calculated by calculating the mineral content of quartz, feldspar, and lithic fragments included in the type of feldspathic wacke rock. The analysis of the tectonic setting referring to the Q – F – L and Qm – F – Lt diagrams shows that the sandstones of the Talang Akar Atas Formation in the study area are included in the magmatic arc sub-zone dissected arc tectonic setting, which is interpreted to be related to the activity of the Sumatra subduction zone resulting in an arc magmatic Sumatra – Meratus. Then the continental tectonic setting of the sub-basement uplift and transitional continental blocks is a passive margin area where tectonic activity and volcanism are minimal. The origin of the quartz mineral in sandstone comes from granitic rock (granite) which undergoes a low-grade metamorphosis process in a semi-arid climate environment and develops into a humid climate. Keyword : Upper Talang Akar Formation, sandstone provenance, the origin of quartz mineral, ancient climate.
Inventory Code | Barcode | Call Number | Location | Status |
2207001636 | T70295 | T702952022 | Central Library (Referens) | Available |
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