White tea merupakan olahan tanaman teh (Camellia sinensis L.) yang paling banyak mengandung senyawa polifenol golongan katekin. Katekin mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan yang mampu menghambat reaksi oksidatif pada tubuh. Senyawa katekin bersifat kurang stabil dan mudah rusak sehingga sulit diformulasikan. Pengembangan formulasi ekstrak white tea menjadi bentuk self nano emulsifying (SNE) dilakukan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas dan bioavailabilitas senyawa kimia dalam white tea. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan skrining formulasi SNE ekstrak white tea sebab karakteristik SNE akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh komponen penyusun berupa minyak, surfaktan, dan ko�surfaktan. Skrining formula SNE white tea dirancang dengan metode FrFD 26-2 pada piranti lunak design expert. Komponen minyak yang dipilih meliputi asam oleat dan miglyol 812 N, surfaktan tween 80 dan croduret 50-SS, dan propilen glikol dan PEG-400 sebagai ko-surfaktan. Parameter evaluasi SNE meliputi visualisasi, pH, waktu emulsifikasi, persen transmitan, viskositas, ukuran droplet, indeks polidispersitas, zeta potensial, dan mobilitas elektroforesis. Ukuran droplet, PDI, zeta potensial, dan mobilitas elektroforesis diukur dengan menggunakan DLS�PSA. Interaksi antar komponen penyusun SNE dievaluasi dengan FTIR-ATR. Korelasi antar respon yang diamati dievaluasi dengan kemometrik metode PCA�CA. Formula terpilih tersusun dari komponen miglyol 21,13%, tween 80 80%, dan PEG-400 14,05%. Formula terpilih memiliki waktu emulsifikasi 5,00; 6,23; 8,65 detik pada media air, SIF, dan SGF, persen transmitan pada media air, SIF, dan SGF secara berturut-turut sebesar 97,40%; 97,80%;98,10%, viskositas 8,65 P, ukuran droplet 85,56 nm, indeks polidispersitas 0,297, zeta potensial -19,90 mV, dan mobilitas elektroforesis -1,559 µm.cm/Vs. Variasi komponen minyak, surfaktan, dan ko-surfaktan serta korelasi antar respon dalam skrining SNE white tea memenuhi karakteristik sediaan SNE. Kata kunci: SNE, white tea, FrFD 2 6-2, kemometrik White tea is a product tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.) which contains the most polyphenol compounds from the catechin group. Catechins have antioxidant activity that can inhibit oxidative reactions in the body. Catechin compounds are less stable and easily damaged so it is difficult to formulate. The development of the white tea extract formulation into a self nano emulsifying (SNE) form was carried out to increase the stability and bioavailability of chemical compounds in white tea. This study aims to screen the SNE formulation of white tea extract because the characteristics of SNE will be strongly influenced by the constituent components in the form of oil, surfactant, and co-surfactant. SNE white tea formula screening was designed using the FrFD 26-2 method on the design expert. Oil components included oleic acid and miglyol 812 N, surfactants tween 80 and croduret 50-SS, propylene glycol and PEG-400 as co-surfactants. SNE evaluation parameters include visualization, pH, emulsification time, percent transmittance, viscosity, droplet size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, and electrophoretic mobility. Droplet size, PDI, zeta potential, and electrophoretic mobility were measured using DLS-PSA. The interaction between the components of SNE was evaluated by FTIR-ATR. The correlation between observed responses was evaluated by chemometric PCA-CA method. The selected formula was composed of components miglyol 21.13%, tween 80 80%, and PEG-400 14.05%. The selected formula had an emulsification time of 5.00; 6.23; 8.65 seconds on water, SIF, and SGF media, the percent transmittance on water, SIF, and SGF media, respectively, was 97.40%; 97.80%;98.10%, viscosity 8.65 P, droplet size 85.56 nm, polydispersity index 0.297, zeta potential -19.90 mV, and electrophoretic mobility -1.559 µm.cm/Vs. Variations of components oil, surfactants, and co-surfactants and correlations between responses in SNE white tea screening meet the characteristics of SNE preparation. Keywords: SNE, white tea, FrFD 2 6-2, chemometrics
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