Neutronic analysis of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) core with 1000 MWth power and Mix-Oxide (MOX) fuel based on the “Benchmark for Neutronic Analysis of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Cores with Various Fuel Types and Core Sizes” has been determine. This study uses a variety of fuels (U,TRU)O2 and (Th,TRU)O2. Calculations were performed using OpenMC with nuclear data ENDF/B-VII.1 for validation and ENDF/B.VIII for neutronic calculations. Depletion was carried out for 328.5 days assuming the reactor efficiency value was 90% of the full operating time for 1 year. Kinetic parameters consist of effective multiplication factor, sodium void worth, Doppler constant, and control rod worth. Survey parameters consist of effective multiplication factor, neutron flux distribution, fission reaction rate distribution, composition changes of fertile and fissile materials, and conversion ratio showed good results. The kinetic parameters for validation are still within the standard deviation limits of the benchmark. Meanwhile, the keff value is still in a critical condition until the end of the burn up time. The keff value of fuel (U,TRU)O2 at BOC and EOC states shows the values of 1.0288 and 1.005, respectively. While the keff values for fuel (Th,TRU)O2 at BOC and EOC shows the values 1.0389 and 1.0225, respectively. Research shows (Th,TRU)O2 can be an alternative fuel for SFR reactors. This is based on the results of the keff on the fuel (Th,TRU)O2 obtained which shows a more stable value than the keff on the fuel (U,TRU)O2.
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2207003352 | T75336 | T753362022 | Central Library (Referens) | Available but not for loan - Not for Loan |
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