This research was conducted in Muara Penimbung Ulu, Indralaya, Ogan Ilir on June to July 2012.The aims of this study were: 1) To identified the institutional farmers and extension institutions and its roles associated with the empowerment of lowland rice farmers in the SL-PTT program; 2) to describe the implementation of lowland farmers empowerment in the SL-PTT program; 3) to measure the success of the empowerment of the lowland farmer in the SL -PTT program. Survey method was used in this research. Survey method is a method used in collecting the data, obtained directly from the field. In collecting the data or evidence from the field, the writer used questionnaires both orally and writing. Simple random sampling was used by the writer. The total of sample was 100 farmers consisting of four groups of farmers who foliowed SL-PTT in 2008; Sinar Permai(SP) I, SP H, SP III, and SP IV. The data collected in this study is primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from interview directly to farmers. The secondary data was obtained from sources associated with this study is the general area, the population of village, the village administrative boundari, facilities and infrastructure, natural State. Institutional identified farmers in the village of Muara Penimbung Ulu of SL-PTT program is Gapoktan, and farmer groups. Institutional extension identified in the village of Muara Penimbung Ulu of SL-PTT program is BPP. Role of Gapoktan provides hand tractor, power threshers machine, compost making machine, and water pumps. Farmer group act leaming aid in making of the proposal, the cooperation in solving problems of pests and diseases and lowland rice production activities. BPP role as a source of information provider legowo row and agricultural machine used in lowland rice cultivation. Implementation of lowland rice farmer empowerment activitiy in the village of Muara Penimbung Ulu is to engage farmers in SL-PTT program as recommended field guide, providing participation opportunity that farmer is able to ask questions, ideas and opinions, farmers can apply the technology in land farming, farmer increases production, and the farmer makes seed with special treatment in taking seed in lowland rice fields. The success rate in the lowland rice farmer empowerment SL-PTT program in the village of Muara Penimbung Ulu at criteriaexists that can be categorized unsuccessfuly.
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1307000361 | T89135 | T891352012 | Central Library (Referens) | Available but not for loan - Not for Loan |
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