Pulpitis is an inflammation of the dental pulp, which, when acute will cause great pain. Pulpitis can be acute or chronic, partly or entirely. The pulp can be infected or sterile. The clinical differences can be determined only acute and chronic, due to the extension of inflammation, whether partially or completely, sometimes cannot be determined histologically. The characteristic descriptions of pulpitis patients still needs to be studied further. Therefore, an investigation is necessary to know the description of patient characteristics pulpitis. This study is descriptive, that is a study that describes a phenomenon found, either in the form of risk factors and the effects or results. Measurement of variables is done by direct interviews using a questionnaire. The population in this study are all the pulp and periapical disease patients who come to visit the Dental and Oral Clinic in Public Health Center Sako Palembang. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling technique. In this sampling, each patient who fulfilled the criteria included in the study until a certain time, so that the necessary number of patients are met. The result is that the number of patients with pulpitis tend to be dominated by patients with adult age, female gender, patients with higher education levels, patients who did not work, and patients with poor knowledge level.
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