The declining quality of life and the community's vulnerability can worsen the Covid-19 pandemic. Social vulnerability is a characteristic of a group that can threaten their ability to prevent, cope with or recover from the impact of a hazard. By linking social conditions with risk exposure, social vulnerability is useful for looking at the inequality of the social effects experienced by society from health crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to spatially analyze the vulnerability to Covid-19 in the Palembang City sub-district in 2021 by using the social characteristics of the region. This type of research is descriptive with an ecological study design. The population group studied was 18 sub-districts in the city of Palembang. The study used secondary data such as the Covid-19 variable and the vulnerable population received from the Palembang City Health Office. At the same time, the researcher obtained the transmission potential variable through the government's official website and Google Maps. The analysis process used are scoring analysis using Microsoft Excel and spatial analysis in overlays using QGIS. Social vulnerability in this study was examined by looking at the status per sub-district based on three categories: the vulnerability of the subdistrict to Covid-19, vulnerability to Covid-19 based on vulnerable populations, and vulnerability to Covid-19 based on the potential for Covid-19 transmission. The results of this study indicate that for the regional vulnerability variable, there are no sub-districts with a high vulnerability to Covid-19. For the vulnerable population variable, there are six sub-districts with high vulnerability. For the variable of potential transmission, there are seven sub-districts with high susceptibility. For the final social vulnerability status, sub-districts with high vulnerability are Sukarami, Ilir Barat I, Plaju, and Ilir Timur I. For sub-districts with low vulnerability are Bukit Kecil and Sematang Borang. To reduce the level of vulnerability in an area, one of them is by taking preventive measures in the community whose needs need to be further considered and maximizing the implementation of 3T activities and vaccinations.
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