Tea is a refreshing beverage and is popular with many people, herbal tea, including tea that has many health benefits. Laurel and citrus leaves have a salinity that can lower blood pressure. The study aims to discover the selected formulation of a palate-leaf herbal tea with citations of citations as an alternative beverage. The study USES an ekperimental study design by a full random design (ral). There are 4 treatments for adding laurel and lemongrass to herbal tea f0 (100% : 0%), f1 (90% : 10%), f2 (80% : 20%), f3 (70% : 30%). According to the results of the organoleptic test by a semitrained panel of 25 people it was obtained that f3 treatment was the best herbal tea. Organoleptic test on F3 treatment with color percentage 4.28%, taste 3.32% and aroma 3.52%. This F3 formulation has a distinctive color because lemongrass has catechin compounds that make the color of the tea become more concentrated (dark yellow).Chemical analysis performed was water levels, ash and tannins. Statistical tests of the organoleptic use of normality, tests of kruskall Wallis and mann Whitney's advanced tests while for laboratory data tests (chemical analysis) were not performed on statistics because they were selected only according to the best treatment. The tannins on f0 treatment has a value of 0.9289% and f3 has a value of 0.7537% which means a salt-leaf herbal tea with an addition of fibers has a positive value of tannins To F0 formulations has a water level's value 15,11%, ash content 5,30% , But the formulation is chosen F3 has a water level's value 14,83%, ash content 5,81%
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