Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil evaluasi CIPP dalam program pendidikan yang diadakan oleh Komunitas Relawan Anak Sumatera Selatan (RASS) Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian evaluasi model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) yang dikembangkan oleh Stufflebeam dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah ketua umum, sekretaris umum, relawan pengajar dan peserta didik dalam Program Pendidikan oleh Komunitas Relawan Anak Sumatera Selatan (RASS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Evaluasi konteks, analisa kebutuhan belajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan partisipasi warga belajar. Komunitas berhasil mengidentifikasi dan menentukan konteks dalam program pendidikan, hanya saja masih perlu strategi dalam keaktifan dari peserta didik; 2) Evaluasi masukan, kemampuan komunitas dalam menyediakan sumber belajar dan merencanakan sumber belajar cukup baik. Namun, dari segi perencanaan pendanaan perlu dikaji lagi untuk sumber dana tetap; 3) Evaluasi proses, dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada program harus ditegaskan kembali tentang pengadaan jadwal yang sifatnya bukan fleksibel, melainkan tersrtuktur baik bagi pengajar maupun peserta didik; 4) Evaluasi hasil, program pendidikan dapat tetap dilanjutkan meskipun masih terdapat beberapa hal dan kebijakan yang masih perlu dikembangkan dan dibenahi seperti komunitas harus segera merancang strategi pendanaan tetap dan pedoman belajar pada program pendidikan yang lebih terarah agar seluruh komponen belajar dapat memaksimalkan fungsinya. Kata kunci: Program Pendidikan, Komunitas RASS, Evaluasi CIPP, Peserta Didik. This study aims to find out how the results of the CIPP evaluation in the education program held by the South Sumatran Child Volunteer Community (SSCV). This type of research is an evaluation study of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model developed by Stufflebeam with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The subjects in this study were the general chairman, general secretary, volunteer teachers and students in the Education Program by the South Sumatran Children Volunteer Community (RASS). The results showed that: 1) Context evaluation, analysis of learning needs according to the needs and participation of learning citizens. The community has succeeded in identifying and determining the context in the education program, it's just that they still need a strategy in the activity of the students; 2) Evaluation of inputs, the ability of the community in providing learning resources and planning learning resources is quite good. However, in terms of funding planning, it is necessary to review again for fixed sources of funds; 3) Process evaluation, in the implementation of learning in the program, it must be reaffirmed about holding a schedule that is not flexible, but structured for both teachers and students; 4) Evaluation of results, education programs can be continued even though there are still some things and policies that still need to be developed and to be addressed as the community must immediately design a fixed funding strategy and learning guidelines for more targeted education programs so that all learning components can maximize their functions. Keywords: Education Program, Community of SSCV, CIPP Evaluation, Student
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