STIMULASI PERKEMBANGAN GERAK NON-LOKOMOTOR ANAK USIA (5-6) TAHUN SELAMA COVID-19 DI KELURAHAN DEMANG LEBAR DAUN PALEMBANG Oleh : Septea Hesty H NIM : 06141181823011 Pembimbing : Dra. Hasmalena, M.Pd PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN GURU PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mengenai stimulasi perkembangan gerak non lokomotor anak usia (5-6) tahun selama covid-19 di Kelurahan Demang Lebar Daun Palembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan dua subjek penelitian. Untuk teknik pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif Miles dan Huberman, meliputi pengumpulan data dari hasil wawancara yang didapatkan melalui rekaman video bersama orang tua selaku narasumber, observasi mengenai kegiatan yang dilakukan anak dan juga orang tua selama covid 19, dan dokumentasi berupa kk atau akte dari kelahiran anak, hasil wawancara. Selanjutnya mereduksi data yang telah didapatkan dari lapangan, penyajian data dalam bentuk narasi singkat dan penarikan kesimpulan. Peneliti menggunakan dua subjek penelitian yaitu orrang tua yang memiliki anak usia (5-6) tahun di Kelurahan Demang Lebar Daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stimulasi perkembangan gerak non lokomotor anak usia (5-6) tahun dari orang tua selama covid-19 yaitu berupa kegiatan senam, bermain permainan tradisional engklek, dan taekwondo. Kata kunci : Stimulasi gerak non lokomotor AUD, Covid-19 STIMULATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF NON-LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENT FOR CHILDREN AGED (5-6) YEARS DURING COVID-19 IN DEMANG LEBAR DAUN PALEMBANG By : Septea Hesty H NIM : 06141181823011 Supervisor : Dra. Hasmalena, M.Pd TEACHER EDUCATION FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ABSTRACT This study aims to describe the stimulation of the development of non-locomotor motion of children aged (5-6) years during covid-19 in the Demang Lebar Daun Village, Palembang. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with two research subjects. For data collection techniques, researchers used observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used was Miles and Huberman qualitative data analysis, including data collection from interviews obtained through video recordings with parents as resource persons, observations about activities carried out by children and parents during covid 19, and documentation in the form of family cards or certificates from the birth of a child, the results of the interview. Furthermore, reducing the data that has been obtained from the field, presenting the data in the form of a short narrative and drawing conclusions. Researchers used two research subjects, namely parents who have children aged (5-6) years in Demang Lebar Daun Village. The results showed that the stimulation of non-locomotor movement development of children aged (5-6) years from parents during covid-19 was in the form of gymnastics, playing traditional engklek games, and taekwondo. Keywords: AUD non-locomotor motion stimulation, Covid-19
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