APA Style

A.L.R. BLUE BOOK OF SUPPLEMENTAL DECISIONS FOR ANNOTATIONS IN THE AMERICAN LAW REPORTS Vols. 1-175 Second Permanent Volume. (1952). New York: The Lawyer Co.Operative Publishing Company.

Chicago Style

A.L.R. BLUE BOOK OF SUPPLEMENTAL DECISIONS FOR ANNOTATIONS IN THE AMERICAN LAW REPORTS Vols. 1-175 Second Permanent Volume. . New York: The Lawyer Co.Operative Publishing Company, 1952. Text.

MLA Style

A.L.R. BLUE BOOK OF SUPPLEMENTAL DECISIONS FOR ANNOTATIONS IN THE AMERICAN LAW REPORTS Vols. 1-175 Second Permanent Volume. . New York: The Lawyer Co.Operative Publishing Company, 1952. Text.

Turabian Style

A.L.R. BLUE BOOK OF SUPPLEMENTAL DECISIONS FOR ANNOTATIONS IN THE AMERICAN LAW REPORTS Vols. 1-175 Second Permanent Volume. New York: The Lawyer Co.Operative Publishing Company, 1952. Print.