Introduction : Indonesia is a developing country where the guality of life in society remains low with population growth and a high dependency burden. BPS said that there w as an increase in the number of Indonesia's population of a tender to year. In addressing this issue, the government is one of them to make family planning program. For the success of this program, has many types of contraception available, making it easier to get the kind of contraception in according to the wishes and needs of the community. As for the types of contraception that can be selected by the community, among others, tubectomy, vasectomy, IUD, injections, implants, pills, condoms, and others. This study aims to determine the prevalence and the factors that most influence the use of birth control pills in the District of West Ilir II Palembang. Methods : Cross-sectional study has been done in 8 Posyandu in the District of West Ilir II Palembang, namely Orchid Posyandu, Pomegranate Posyandu, Sakura Posyandu, White Lotus Posyandu, Red Roses Posyandu, Flamboyant Posyandu, Gelora Bakti Posyandu, and Dahi ia Posyandu. The study population w as all women of reproductive age who come to the posyandu. In that study has found 119 people who was included in inclusion criteria. After having all samples, the samples was processed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis by using SPSS. Result : The prevalence of using the pill is 16.8%. Factors that have a meaningful relationship with the use of birth control pills is a job (p = 0.016). The variable age has a relationship but not significantly with the contraceptives (p = 0.586), as well as parity, has a relationship but not significant (p = 0.276). The variable education is a protective factorfrom the use of oral contraceptives (p = 2.44). Discussion : The prevalence of using the pill is 16.8%. Occupational factors have a significant association with the use of birth control pills, while the factors of age and parity had no significant relationship. In the analysis of factors that most influence the use of birth control pills was found that education a protective factor in the use of birth control pills.
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