Sebagai penyelesaian masalah penurunan kapasitas debitur dalam melakukan pembayaran kredit dimasa pandemi Covid-19, maka dikeluarkanlah POJK Nomor 11/POJK.03/2020 dengan salah satu kebijakannya adalah restrukturisasi kredit. Permasalahan dalam tesis ini mengenai bentuk pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit perbankan dalam penyelesaian kewajiban debitur terdampak pandemi Covid-19, bentuk dan proses perlindungan hukum bagi pihak debitur dan kreditur terhadap pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit perbankan, pengaturan pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit serta konsep ideal restrukturisasi kredit perbankan dalam penyelesaian kewajiban debitur terdampak pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitiannya adalah penelitian hukum normatif, yang bertujuan menganalisis tentang restrukturisasi kredit perbankan berdasarkan POJK No.11/POJK.03/2020 dalam penyelesaian kewajiban debitur terdampak pandemi Covid-19. Teknik penarikan kesimpulan dengan metode deduktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit perbankan dalam POJK No.11/POJK.03/2020 memberikan relaksasi kredit usaha mikro dan usaha kecil untuk nilai dibawah Rp10 Milyar sampai dengan bulan Maret 2022 dan berlaku untuk seluruh debitur yang terdampak pandemi sesuai analisis penilaian bank yang mengacu pada penilaian kualitas aset dengan memperhatikan manajemen risiko. Perlindungan hukum bagi pihak debitur dan kreditur terhadap pelaksanaan restrukturisasi kredit perbankan dapat dilihat secara preventif dan respresif. Selanjutnya pengawasan dan pembinaan yang dilakukan OJK dengan melakukan langkah antisipatif dan lanjutan berupa dikeluarkannya POJK Nomor 48/POJK.03/2020. Serta konsep ideal restrukturisasi kredit perbankan dalam penyelesaian kewajiban debitur terdampak pandemi Covid-19 dimasa yang akan datang adalah kebijakan dalam penguatan kapasitas internal yang mengembangkan pengawasan secara terintegrasi seluruh produk jasa keuangan termasuk produk digital maupun konsistensi dalam memonitor potensi resiko yang berasal dari luar sektor jasa keuangan maupun perusahaan korporasi. Kata Kunci : Kewajiban, Kredit Bank, Pandemi Covid-19, Restrukturisasi ABSTRACT As a solution to the problem of the debtor’s decreasing capacity in making credit payments during the Covid-19 pandemic, the POJK Number 11/POJK.03/2020, which one of its policies was credit restructuring, was issued. The problems of this thesis are the form of the implementation of the bank credit restructuring in settling the obligations of the debtors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the form and the process of legal protection for the debtors and the creditors towards the implementation of bank credit restructuring, the regulation of supervision and guidance on the implementation of credit restructuring, and the ideal concept of the bank credit restructuring in the settlement of the obligations of the debtors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The method of the study used a normative legal study, which was aimed to analyze the bank credit restructuring based on POJK No.11/POJK/03/2020 in settling the obligations of the debtors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The conclusions were drawn by using the deductive method. The results of the study revealed that the implementation of banking credit restructuring in POJK No.11/POJK.03/2020 provided relaxation of micro and small business loans of the values below Rp. 10 billion up to March 2022 and was applied to all debtors affected by the pandemic in accordance with the bank’s assessment analysis referring to asset quality assesment by taking into account risk management. The legal protection for the debtors and the creditors towards the implementation of bank credit restructuring could be seen in a preventive and repressive manner. Futhermore, the supervision and the guidance were carried out by OJK by taking anticipatory and further steps in the form of the issuance of POJK Number 48/POJK.03.2020. The ideal concept of bank credit restructuring in settling the obligations of the debtors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in the future is in the form of a policy to strengthen internal capacity that develops integrated supervision of all financial service products including digital products and consistency in monitoring potential risks originating from outside the financial services sector as well as corporate companies.
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