The research about “Profile of Vegetation in Tailing Deposition Area Mile Post (MP) 19 of PT Freeport Indonesia Mimika, Papua has been carried out from February up to May 2010 in MP 19 of PT Freeport Indonesia Mimika, Papua by using Quantitative and qualitative descriptive method. The result of this research is description oftwo dimention about profile vegetation in Tailing deposition Area MP 19 of PT Freeport Indonesia which was made by the plot line measures 20x60 metter, in flooded and dry land. In flooded land is found 48 species include in 30 families while in dry land is found 88 species include in 44 families. Pandanus lauterbachii and Phragmithes karka, are species which able to live and adapt in flooded and dry land. the vertically and horyzontally profile vegetation clould clustered into 3 stratums . First stratum A, has trees height around 10-20 metter, species which live in this startum are Paraserianthes falcataria and Timonius timon. Those plants have average of height around 17,37 metter. Second, stratum B, which has average of height around 5-10 metters, species lives in this stratum is Pandanus lauterbachii, its height is 6,83 metter. The last stratum C which has cover plant is dominated by species of Prhagmitheskarka. Whereas dry land has vertical and horizontal structure. Which is clustered in to 3 stratum. First stratum A, the trees height around 10-20 metter. species live in this area is Timonius timon, Ficus armiti miq, Glochidion macrocarpa, and sterculia sp.. Those plants have average of height around 14,75 metter. Second, stratum B. Which has average of height around 5-10 metter, species lives in this stratum is Casuarina eguisetifolia, Ficus armiti miq, Ficus armiti king, Glochidion macrocarpa, Anthiaris, Macaranga aleuroitoides, Campnosperma brevipetiolata. its height is 8,39 metter. The last stratum C which has cover plant.
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