The Central Library of Sriwijaya University Indralaya is a center for academic and administrative activities equipped with e-library facilities that are directly connected to electricity so that there is a risk of experiencing a fire. The existence of an emergency response plan in the form of life-saving facilities and emergency response procedures in the event of a fire can prevent fatalities. The design of this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews and observation. The informant in this study were 16 people with details of 1 librarian, 1 head of equipment, 1 security, 5 librarian, and 8 library visitor. This study aims to calculate the evacuation time based on the SPFE 3rd Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering in 2002 and to analyze the emergency response plan according to SNI 03-1746-2000, SNI 03-1745-2000, SNI 03-6574-2001, Ministerial Regulation PUPR No. 20 of 2009 and NFPA 101. The results showed that the door facilities were in accordance with the requirements according to SNI 03-1746-2000 but the number of existing doors did not meet the required door requirements, the exit stairs had met the requirements of SNI 03-1746-2000, there were no exit routes, there were no exit signs sign, there is no gathering point, there is no written policy regarding emergency response procedures, and the time required for evacuation to the gathering point is 2.4 minutes which has met the evacuation time standard according to NFPA 101. It is recommended that the competent authorities make emergency response procedures in writing or in the form of pictures, provide socialization of emergency response procedures to workers and visitors, complete emergency response facilities that have not been fulfilled such as exit doors, exit routes, exit signs, and assembly point signs. Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan akademik dan administrasi dilengkapi dengan fasilitas e-library yang tersambung langsung dengan listrik sehingga memiliki risiko mengalami kebakaran. Adanya emergency response plan berupa sarana penyelamatan jiwa dan prosedur tanggap darurat saat terjadi kebakaran dapat mencegah timbulnya korban jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perancangan Emergency Response Plan Pada Perpustakaan Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya. Desain penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Total informan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 16 orang dengan rincian 1 orang kepala perpustakaan, 1 orang kepala bagian tata usaha, 1 orang security, 5 orang pegawai perpustakaan, dan 8 orang pengunjung perpustakaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung waktu evakuasi berdasarkan SPFE 3rd Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering tahun 2002 dan membuat analisis rencana tanggap darurat sesuai dengan SNI 03-1746-2000, SNI 03-1745-2000, SNI 03-6574-2001, Peraturan Manteri PU No. 20 Tahun 2009 dan NFPA 101. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sarana pintu belum sesuai dengan persyaratan menurut SNI 03-1746-2000 dan jumlah pintu yang ada belum memenuhi kebutuhan pintu yang disyaratkan, tangga keluar sudah memenuhi persyaratan SNI 03-1746-2000, belum terdapat exit route, belum terdapat tanda exit sign, belum terdapat titik kumpul, belum ada kebijakan tertulis terkait prosedur tanggap darurat, dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk evakuasi menuju titik kumpul selama 2,4 menit yang telah memenuhi standar waktu evakuasi sesuai NFPA 101. Sebaiknya pihak yang berwenang membuat prosedur tanggap darurat secara tertulis atau berupa gambar, memberikan sosialisasi mengenai prosedur tanggap darurat kepada pekerja dan pengunjung, melengkapi sarana tanggap darurat yang belum terpenuhi seperti pintu keluar, exit route, exit sign, dan rambu titik kumpul.
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