School is a formal educational institution that is one of the basic facilities and needs for everyone. Adequate sanitation conditions in schools will provide a sense of comfort, safety and health for school residents. One of the sanitation facilities that must exist is clean water facilities, toilets, waste water disposal facilities (SPAL), and garbage disposal facilities. Healthy sanitation conditions will have a big influence on the health level of school residents. This study aims to determine the environmental sanitation conditions of State Elementary Schools in Tanjung Beringin District during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. This study uses qualitative methods with in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The informants in this study were 17 people who were divided into 2 criteria, namely the key informants were 3 principals and 2 school guards. Supporting informants are 6 teachers and 6 students, in each school there are 2 teachers and 2 students. The results showed that the condition of the construction of the building was in a slightly damaged condition, the condition of the clean water supply was in good condition, the condition of the waste water disposal facilities, the condition of the garbage disposal facilities and the condition of the school bathrooms/toilets did not meet the requirements, as well as in 3 public elementary schools in Tanjung sub-district. banyan does not apply health protocols properly and optimally as well as the behavior of teachers and students. The conclusion of the study is that the sanitary conditions of the school environment in elementary schools in the Tanjung Beringin sub-district have not met the requirements of the Minister of Health Decree No. 1429 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of School Environmental Health and have not implemented health protocols properly and optimally during the current pandemic. Suggestions in this study are repairing damaged sanitation facilities, increasing discipline for students in maintaining cleanliness, socializing the importance of health protocols, and providing sanctions for school residents who do not apply health protocols.
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