The research entitled "Evaluating the Operation of the 2019 Kertalaya Perintis Train in South Sumatra" was initiated by the problem of not achieving goals in operation causing the train stopped to operate and mode changes before the end of the contract. This study aims to determine, describe and measure the success of implementing the operation of the Kertalaya Perintis Train in 2019. The researchers used a qualitative descriptive research method, the data sources were obtained through secondary data and primary data, the data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. In this study, the researcher used the theory of Policy Evaluation according to Bridgman and Davis, in which there are four aspects of indicators, namely input, process, output, and outcomes. The results showed that in providing transportation services for students and the general public it was good in terms of security, comfort, and timeliness of departure and arrival, but in some cases it was still poor such as the socialization of using the train due to minimizing expenditure funds. Thus, there were still many students who did not know about the existence of this Kertalaya. In addition, the inflexible operating times that is only once a day also caused the lack of passenger interest to take the train
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