Consumer perception is how consumers select, organize and interpre . and AGUSTINA BIDARTI ). t Consumer perception is how consumers select, organize and interpret information to describe something. The relationship between the marketing mix and consumer perceptions can be seen from the good or bad consumer perceptions of the product. Marketing mix i s one of the businesses in business competition, where the products produced can be accepted by consumers and attract sales. Companies in seeking a response from the market can use a marketing mix, in which there is how to manage products, prices, strate gic location placement and the use of promotions in introducing the goods produced. Consumer satisfaction is the expectation of the company. The company will know that the goods produced are well received in the market and it is hoped that consumers will m ake repeat purchases. The purpose of this study: (1) Knowing the marketing mix strategy applied by PT. Mitra Anugerah Perkasa South Sumatra, (2) Analyzing the level of fertilizer customer satisfaction at PT Mitra Anugerah Perkasa, (3) Analyzing the influen ce of the marketing mix on the level of fertilizer customer satisfaction at PT Mitra Anugerah Perkasa South Sumatra at PT. The method used is a survey method using an online questionnaire. The research was conducted in December 2020 with a total of 40 cons umers. The data processing method uses scoring with multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of research that has been done that the existing marketing mix strategy at PT. Mitra Anugerah Perkasa South Sumatra is doing well, this can be see n in the very high level of customer satisfaction. Based on the results of processing fertilizer customer perceptions of the marketing mix at PT. Mitra Anugerah Perkasa South Sumatra is known that the total average score of customer perceptions of the mark eting mix has a score of 77.05 with the criteria of Very Satisfied because it is in the interval 62.25 x 84.00. Based on the results of the partial test (t), product variables (X1), p romotion (X2) and price (X3) in this study have a significant effect on c ustomer satisfaction at PT. Mitra Anugerah Perkasa South Sumatra. The variables of place (X4), people (X5), process (X6) and physical evidence (X7) have no significant effect on customer satisfaction at PT. Mitra Anugerah Perkasa South Sumatra. Based on th e results of the simultaneous test (f), each component of the marketing mix (product, promotion, price, place, people, process and physical evidence) simultaneously has a significant effect on customer satisfaction at PT. Mitra Anugerah Perkasa South Sumat ra .
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