The main disease that is often found in red chili plants is anthracnose caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Colletotrichum. The control of anthracnose is still dependent on the intensive use of synthetic fungicides. The use of synthetic fungicides to control anthracnose disease can have a negative impact in the long term. One way to control anthracnose that is environmentally friendly can be done by using microbial antagonists or biocontrol agents. Biocontrol is control that is carried out by utilizing living things as controlling agents for plant pest organisms (OPT). The use of biocontrol agents in the form of microbial antagonists (bacteria or fungi) is considered the most effective measure for controlling plant diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. Actinomycetes are soil microorganisms that are commonly found in various types of soil, one of which is swamp soil. Actinomycetes have potential because they have the ability to produce metabolites that have antagonistic activity against bacteria and fungi and are commonly found in swamps. The aims of this study were to obtain isolates of actinomycetes from swamps that could potentially inhibit the growth of Colletotrichum capsici IPBCC 13.1098 and to determine the character and identity of actinomycetes from swamps that have potential as biocontrol agents against pathogenic fungi Colletotrichum capsici IPBCC 13.1098. The method used in this study consisted of sampling, isolation and purification of actinomycetes, antagonist test of the dual culture method (dual cultrure), isolates with a percentage of inhibition >70% will be characterized and identified actinomycetes that have the potential as biocontrol agents. This research was conducted from December to May 2021, at the Microbiology Laboratory and the Genetics and Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University. Based on the research that has been done, 19 actinomycetes isolates from swamp soil were obtained. Each actinomycetes isolate that was isolated from swamp soil was tested for antagonism against Colletotrichum capsici IPBCC 13.1098 with dual cultrure method using Tryptone Soya Agar (TSA) media. The results of the antagonism test showed that 4 isolates of swamp soil actinomycetes which had antagonistic potential in inhibiting the growth of the fungus Colletotrichum capsici IPBCC 13.1098 with an inhibitory percentage of more than 70%, namely isolates ACT 8 70.37%, ACT 10 72.22%, ACT 11 70, 37%, ACT 13 74.07%. The results of characterization and identification of actinomycetes from swamps that have strong potential in inhibiting the fungus Colletotrichum capsici IPBCC 13.1098 revealed that the four isolates identified as Streptomyces sp
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