Banyuasin estuary is an area of estuaries that have an important role in terms of economy and ecology, where the river empties into large, and small river estuaries. Human activities such as industry, transport, deforestation and land clearing increasing of TSS and TDS in the estuary. This activity led to increased soil erosion along the river so that the impact on suspended solids and dissolved solids higher. The purpose of this study is to determine the concentrations of TSS and TDS, condition of water quality in the Banyuasin estuary in of the environmental parameters, describing the distribution of TSS and TDS at high tide and low tide, describe the transverse profile of TSS and TDS at high tide and low tide. The study was conducted in June-August 2013. Determination of the research station using purposive sampling method. The results of TSS concentrations in Banyuasin of estuary waters at low tide is higher than the value at high tide at low tide TSS 208 mg /1 - 1640 mg /1, while the tide of 527 mg / 1 - 1116 mg / 1. TDS is lower at low tide than at high tide when the value TDS 192 mg /1 - 1081 mg /1, while the tide of 779 mg / 1 - 1909 mg /1. Banyuasin estuary quality condition of water include temperature and salinity varies in each layer depths and more dominant in the surface layer of water. TSS distribution high tide will be greater at the bottom than the surface and the water column and TSS at low tide landward will be greater in the water column and at the seaward station will be larger in the bottom waters. TDS distribution high tide leads to the mainland the will be greater in the layers of the water column while the station that leads to the sea will be greater in the bottom waters and TDS at low tide at the station leads to the mainland will be greater at the base station towards the while TDS is more dominant layer to the water column. Transverse profile of TSS and TDS will increase in the column layer and a base layer both at high tide and at low tide waters. sea
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