Autonomous electric vehicle is an intelligent vehicle that uses a self-driving system.. An important thing in self-driving system is the automatic speed-control system, which is a system assigned to adjust the speed of the vehicle automatically when decelerating or accelerating. This research aims to adjust the speed-control system to run properly, for that we need an input to set the desired speed setpoint and also a controller to maintain that speed. On our reasearch, RFID is used as the setpoint’s input and the PID control method will maintain speed according to the setpoint on RFID. PID control method was chosen because this method can maintain a stable speed of electric vehicle. The determination of the gain parameter on the PID is carried out by the trial and error method which is carried out with 4 tests. These tests were carried out at 7 points with 13 RFID tags for straight and turn conditions. Each RFID has a different setpoint input, namely 60, 70, 80, and 120 RPM. The best result is the value of Kp = 1, Ki = 0.1 and Kd = 2 which is considered to be the most stable in regulating vehicle speed, this is because tests with values of Kp = 1, Ki = 0.1 and Kd = 2 have rise time, delay time and The settling time is quite fast and the overshoot is small enough so that it has the best stability compared to other tests.
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