The market is a place where sellers and buyers meet, marked by direct transactions between sellers and buyers and usually there is a bargaining process, the building itself usually consists of stalls or outlets, booths and bases that are open and opened by the seller or from an market manager itself. The city of Lubuk Linggau itself has several people's markets, the market which is the largest market of the city of Lubuk Linggau itself is in a very concerned condition. The market is in a dirty condition, unorganized, there are many traders who operate the stalls freely so that circulation is hampered, causing stagnation in the market itself. If this situation continues, the market situation will become increasingly messy and will be increasingly out of control, making the surrounding environment feel dirty or dirty. The planning and design of the Lubuk Linggau people's market uses a functional approach and space efficiency. Space efficiency itself is how to use it in space appropriately and both in terms of activity and time. How to create a space that fits these activities according to their appearance
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