Many people spend considerable time seeking a sense of purpose in life and, concomitant with that, a sense of personal identity. This book demystifies this search, revealing why this search is a fa…
Craftsmanship provides an insight into an inherently human dimension of work resulting from our immersion in an occupation or profession. The present book illustrates and defines the vital, social,…
Psikologi faal merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu psikologi yang mengalami perkembangan pesat dalam teori maupun penerapannya. Psikologi faal berkembang sebagai bagian dari ilmu biopsikologi. Dengan …
The book includes a new theoretical synthesis of William Stern’s classic personology published in the 1930s with contemporary cultural psychology of semiotic mediation developed by the author ove…
This book rekindles the well-known connection between people and place in the context of a global pandemic. The chapters are divided into two sections. In the first section, “Place Attachment Dur…