The purpose of this research is to find out, study and analyze how the employee improvement strategy at the Palembang City DPRD Secretariat is as well as examine and analyze the factors that hinder…
Judul Asli: BIOLOGY, Eighth edition
Judul asli: Essential Biology, 6th Edition
Judul Asli: Physiology of Behavior, eleventh edition
Problems often arise when individuals begin to enter the adolescent phase. These problems that arise can affect the psychological well-being of adolescents, therefore, adolescents need support from…
Rice is one of the food crops whose results become food staples in Indonesia. Upang Karya Village is one of the villages that has high rice production. The purpose of this study were (1) determine …
This study aims to describe the improvement of children's disciplinary behavior through the application of a group learning model with a safety corner at RA Baiturrahman Tanjung Baru Petai in group…
Use of Supply Chain Management (SCM) technology integrated with Smart Contract to increase transparency and data security in the supply chain industry. Several traditional problems in SCM, such as …
Proses transaksi dan pendataan transaksi pada PT. Adeka Jaya Abadi masih dilakukan secara manual dengan cara pelanggan datang langsung atau via telepon, yang menyebabkan permasalahan yakni pegawai …
Handep: Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Volume 5 Nompr 1 Desember 2021, Edisi kali ini menampilkan 5 Artikel: 1. MENJADI ISTRI DIPLOMAT: HURUSTIATI SOEBANDRIO DALAM MEMBENTUK CITRA INDONESIA DI INGGRIS …
DKI Jakarta's air quality has changed as a result of increased physical development of the city and industrial centers. Currently the air is drier and dirtier than before, if this is allowed to con…
This research is entitled "Development of Multiple Learning Objects Containing Pancasila Student Profile Characters in History Learning at SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya". This research was carried out in …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan fisika pada materi perubahan iklim yang mencakup pemanasan global, efek rumah kaca, penipisan lapisan …
Pernikahan Bugis-Melayu Dan Cikal Bakal Gelar Baru Kebangsawanan Di Kerajaan Johor Riau Rahmat, Syahrul; Idi, Abdullah; Syawaludin, Mohammad SETIATI SURASTO DALAM PERJUANGAN BURUH PEREMPUAN PADA…
This research aims to determine students' mathematical thinking abilities with an audio-visual learning style through ICT-assisted Creative Problem Solving. The research subjects consisted of 6 stu…
The continued dcvclopmcnt of human activity raises a variety of issues, including the hcalth problem. Increasing levels of public education have an impaet on the increasing awareness of healthy liv…
The development of increasingly sophisticated technology demands sophistication in all things, without exception, including in serving food and drinks in fast food restaurants. Coffee is one of the…
PT Sumatera Prima Fibreboard (PT SPF) is a private company that produces medium-density fibreboard or MDF. PT SPF made a green area in several locations in the factory environment as an effort to r…
This study aims to determine the depth of peat in the piled up soil at the Bait Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in Sepuh Village using the 2-dimensional Wenner-Schlumberger geoelectric method for a …
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of Financing Risk, Liquidity Risk, and Capital Adequacy of Profitability. The method used in the study is a quantitative method wit…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris dan menganalisis pengaruh beban pajak, tunneling incentive, exchange rate, kepemilikan asing, dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap keputusan transfer…