The National Narcotics Agency is a non-ministerial. Of course, this institution already uses technology in the form of computer equipment to support work activities. However, processing employee ex…
This study aimed to determine the best color in the rearing container for the survival and growth of kissing gourami larvae. This research was carried out at the Basic Fisheries Laboratory, Aquacul…
The Rapid advancement of technology has led to crimes committed using information technology, one of which is digital document forgery. This has resulted in issues concerning the misuse of such dig…
The development of information technology motivates organization to use information technology a performance improvement solution Many organizations that have used information technology hope to in…
The development of science and technology today provides many demands, especially for schools to change the manual tuition payment system to computer- based SPP payment processing. Payment at SMA M…
Query Expansion (QE) is an important process in Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) system, because it can make the document identification process better. The use of QE aims to see if ther…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis banjir yang terjadi pada tanggal 9 November 2013 di kawasan Asrama Haji jalan Tanjung Api-Api Palembang. Banjir mungkin disebabkan oleh hujan deras yang …
This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style on the employees’ perfomance at The Regional Revenue Agency of Ogan Ilir Regency. The Participants of this research were the leadership…
This study intend to know factors that affects the intention of accounting students at Sriwijaya University towards whistleblowing. By using the Theory of Planned Behavior. This study descriptive q…
This research aims to get the empirical evidence of the effect of workload, auditor experience, personality, and skepticism professional on auditor experience to detecting fraud. Attribution theory…
In PDAM Tirta Lematang Lahat Regency there are activities that transfer employee from one position to another position and conduced employee have to re-adapt in every new position, however the know…
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of National Search and Rescue Agency (abbreviated Basarnas) in Palembang City during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is expected to be able to desc…
The number of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers in the world today has reached 355 million people, meaning that 1 in 6 of the earth's population suffers from rheumatoid arthritis (WHO 2010) and the nu…
Kendala yang sering dihadapi pada bendungan jenis urugan homogen pada tanggul adalah adanya rembesan yang melalui tubuh tanggul tersebut. Konduktivitas hidrolik tanah pada tanggul digunakan untuk m…
The ideal mine haul road will optimize production results in accordance with the planned production targets. The coal production target at PT Bima Putra Abadi Citranusa is 300,000 tons per month, w…
Granite is a rock that carries the mineral cassiterite (SnO2) which is associated with acid magma and penetrates the sedimentary layer (granite intrusion). The process of forming tin ore (Sn) comes…
Pada bulan Januari hingga Mei 2021 di PT Bima Putra Abadi Citranusa terjadi perbedaan antara tonase insitu dengan tonase batubara tertambang. Hal ini mengindikasikan di PT Bima Putra Abadi Citranus…
Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Desa Kijang Ulu Kecamatan Kayuagung Kabupaten OKI pada bulan Januari — Februari 2013 Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah 1) Mengukur perilaku petani padi rawa lebak …
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Membandingkan kegiatan input produksi sebelum dan sesudah kenaikan BBM, 2) Membandingkan pendapatan sebelum dan setelah kenaikan BBM, 3) Menganalisis perbanding…
The need for electrical energy also increasing over the time, which increases the use of fossil fuels. In order to overcome the issue of increasing the use of fossils, the alternative solution is t…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan alat yang dapat mengetahui ketinggian muka air tanah di daerah pasang surut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Perbengkelan Jurusan Teknolo…