The purpose of this research is to describe the communicative functions of expressive speech acts. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data in this research is i…
A scientific article is a type of written work by a researcher after successfully conducting research in a particular field, which is arranged systematically based on writing rules. Each scientific…
Faktor kesehatan mulut dan gigi menjadi hal utama yang harus diperhatikan seperti halnya karies gigi. Salah satu mikroba utama penyebab karies gigi adalah bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Pencegahan y…
This research aims to see how junior high school students' problem solving abilities use strategies to identify the information they want, provide and need in straight line equation material. The r…
Masa Remaja adalah tahap transisi dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa, dimana masa ini sangat berpengaruh dengan kualitas kesehatan reproduksi. Posyandu remaja adalah kegiatan berbasis kesehatan y…
The development of construction planning legislation in Indonesia is currently growing well, with improvements in each of the rules of construction Science is also getting richer. Regulation of PBI…
This study aims to analyze unregistered marriage agreements in which the marriage agreement is made by the two prospective bride and groom regarding the position of assets at the time or before the…
The purpose of this study is to describe the excranization process that appears in events, plots, settings, themes, shops, and character traits found in the novel KKN Di Desa Penari by Simpleman to…
This book contains high-quality peer-reviewed papers of the International Conference on Big Data, Machine Learning and their Applications (ICBMA 2019) held at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Te…
This book presents the latest advances and research findings in the fields of computational science and communication presented at the International Conference on Smart Innovations in Communication…
Research on the effect of feeding pellets enriched with squid oil at different doses on the growth rate of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) seeds has been carried out at the Lampung Marine…
ABSTRACT This research develops video animation based learning media KineMaster application on subtheme relation between living things in the ecosystem in grade V SD Negeri 23 Banyuasin I aims to d…
Beluntas leaves (Pluchea indica L.) is one of the plants that has antibacterial activity such as Propionibacterium acne. Peel-off gel mask is one type of face mask that has advantages in its use, w…
Inventory is one of the important assets in a production process. One of the factors that affect the level of inventory is demand. Fluctuating product demand will affect inventory levels and have a…