PT. Trimegah Perkasa Utama merupakan salah satu perusahaan kontraktor yang bergerak dalam bidang pertambangan (Mine Contractor) batu granit di pulau Karimun berlokasi di Bukit P otot Desa P angka K…
Edisi kali ini menampilkan 8 Artikel: 1. Inventory of Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPs) in Bali Botanic Garden and the Adjacent Areas, Kuswantoro, Farid; Sutomo, Sutomo; Sujarwo, Wawan 2. Keke…
Edisi kali ini menampilkan 11 Artikel: 1. Jangka Benah: Alternatif Solusi Persoalan Keterlanjuran Kebun Kelapa Sawit Monokultur di Kawasan Hutan, Susanto, Ari 2. Autecology of Begonia in Several …
The pattern of economic growth in Indonesia in comparison with Malaysia and Thailand Mouna, Niswatil Faktor-faktor penentu korupsi pada pemerintah daerah di Indonesia Fuadi, Irham, Mabrur, Azas …
Strategies to Improve Taxpayers’ Compliance of Indonesian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises: PRISMA Approach Hermanto, Asep Heri Menakar Keefektifan Mandatory Spending Bidang Pendidikan Hadi…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of overhead passing to the wall on the results of overhead passing in extracurricular volleyball games at State Vocational High School 1 Gelumb…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of overhead passing to the wall on the results of overhead passing in extracurricular volleyball games at State Vocational High School 1 Gelumb…
Azitromisin mempunyai sifat sebagai antibiotik turunan makrolida, namun memiliki kelarutan yang rendah dalam air. Sehingga dikelompokkan kedalam sistem klasifikasi biofarmasetika (BCS) kelas II. Be…
Sistem teknik kontrol adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara sistem, mekanisme, dan peralatan dari suatu objek tertentu yang saling berinteraksi untuk tujuan tertentu. Dalam sistem ini kuanti…
This study aims to determine the strategy of the Eastern OKU Student Leadership Training Alumni Association (IKA LKS) in developing student leadership attitudes in East OKU District. This research …
Drug trafficking in Indonesia continues to increase from year to year. The problem of narcotics trafficking in Indonesia is starting to become a serious threat to the Indonesian nation. This is the…
This research aims to calculate the rate of biomass development and carbon storage in burned and unburned land conditions on peat restoration land. This research was carried out in Sempu Village, O…
This study aimed to determine the effect of kidney bean flour (Phaseolus ulgaris L) and maize flour ratio application on physical and chemical characteristics of biscuits based on sago flour. This …