Hydroxyapatite is one of the most important calcium carbonate ingredients of the inorganic components of bones and teeth in humans. HA/PVA composite with cold sintering method with compression vari…
Latar Belakang: Stroke memberikan dampak yang sangat merugikan bagi penderita, salah satunya kelumpuhan anggota gerak (hemiparesis). Hemiparesis menyebabkan pasien stroke atau pasien bedrest total …
Penulisan skripsi ini berjudul “Analisis Penerapan Sanksi Pelaku Kejahatan Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Terhadap Perniagaan Satwa Yang Dilindungi (Putusan Nomor 1170/Pid.B/LH/2019/PN.Plg dan Putus…
Nanofill composite resin is a kind of composite resin which the size offiller particles is ranging from 0.01 to 0.04 pm. As a restorative material, nanofill composite resin would be exposed to vari…
This research is entitled "Development of Anyflip-Based Digital Teaching Materials on the Eating Habits of the People of Palembang to Support Online Learning for Local Wisdom Courses in South Sumat…
Islamic boarding schools are identical to the dormitory system where the students usually receive religious education through the recitation system, memorizing which is done face-to-face. Due to th…
The purpose of this study was to examine how the effect of service quality, tax sanctions and tariff reduction on the awareness level of MSME taxpayers in Lubuklinggau City. This study uses primary…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepedulian masyarakat terhadap lingkungan hidup di Desa Seri Bandung Kecamatan Tanjung Batu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekat…
Henti jantung (CA) adalah penyebab kematian paling banyak di antara pasien yang dirawat di unit gawat darurat. Henti jantung biasanya merupakan deteksi awal hasil, dan kemudian membantu menginterpr…
Academic burnout is a condition that is often experienced by students in the learning process at school and can cause academic procrastination behavior. This study aims to analyze the relationship …
One of the problems in tilapia cultivation is the incidence of diseases caused by Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria. The effort that can be made to prevent disease is to increase fish immunity. Nipa pa…
This study aims to prove the effect of using Google Classroom-based E-Learning media on student learning outcomes in Economics subjects at SMAN 6 Palembang. This research is an experimental type of…
The rules of language make writing skills becoming a little difficult so that errors are occasionally found. The problem of this research is language errors at the level of EBI implementation, morp…
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai dengan bulan Mei 2007 di Laboratorium Biokimia Hasil Perikanan Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Fakultas Pertanian, dan Laboratorium Biopr…
Pengembangan Prototype Aplikasi Pengkajian Nyeri Pada Pasien ICU Berbasis Android XX + 104 halaman + 33 tabel + 5 skema + 41 gambar + 11 lampiran ABSTRAK Nyeri merupakan penilaian subjektif pengala…
Hemorrhagic stroke is a type of stroke caused by rupture of blood vessels in the brain or leakage of cerebral blood vessels due to sudden cerebral blood pressure, increased pressure on the blood ve…
The aim of this research was to study the effect of Bioplus to the growth of pre weaned goat. This research was held in field laboratory of animal feed and nutrision of agriculture faculty Sriwijay…
The research is to know whether or not there is an influence of powtoon audiovisual learning media based on WhatsApp application on the skill of weriting Fantasy Story Text of class VII Students of…
Preparasi ekstrak etanol daun kirinyuh ke dalam submikro partikel bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan sifat senyawa flavonoid yang terkandung didalam ekstrak yaitu termolabil serta meningkatkan …
Penyakit infeksi banyak tersebar didaerah tropis seperti di Indonesia, yang umumnya disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme, Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus kemampuan daya antibakteri dari senyaw…