This Research aims to test or analyze the influence of transformational leadership style and incetives on employee performance. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study…
Background: CSFP is defined as an angiographic findings which shows delayed opacification of contrast in distal coronary vessel in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease. The occurrence…
This study aims to analyze the effect of audit fees, audit rotation, and auditor’s reputation on audit quality with firm size as a moderation variable. The sample for this study is financial sect…
Tourism is one of the imporiant roles for many countries, both develaped anddevelaping countries hecause the many visits for tourism can improve the country's economy.South Karen is one of the coun…
This book starts with the premise that beauty can be an engine of transformation and authentic engagement in an increasingly complex world. It presents an organized picture of highlights from the 1…
Chronic disease, especially hypertension, is the highest health problem in society, so the government and BPJS Kesehatan are trying to overcome hypertension through Prolanis. Based on the 2021st Pr…
Sunscreen is a cosmetic product that physically and chemically can prevent the penetration of UV ray into the skin. Rose leaves (Rosa chinensis Jacq.) have potential of being sunscreen because it c…
Background: Ocular trauma is a public health problem that can actually be prevented. It is one of the most causes of monocular morbidity and blindness in the world with an annual incidence of 55 mi…
Indonesia is the country with the largest palm oil producer in the world. This makes palm oil one of Indonesia's leading export products various countries in the world. This study aims to describe …
Minyak ikan gabus (MIG) merupakan suatu jenis pangan fungsional sama halnya dengan probiotik. Lactobacillus bulgaricus memiliki daya antibakteri yang baik sehingga sering dijadikan sebagai antidiar…
Persuasive Communication Strategy is planning the communication process aimed at influencing others to agree with the speaker. Effective communication is communication in which it contains messages…
This study develops teaching materials based on the Discovery Learning model on the theme of Healthy Food, the sub-theme of How the Body Processes Food for class V SDN 68 Palembang, aims to determi…
Kebiasaan merokok merupakan hal biasa dilihat sehari-hari dalam lingkungan sekitar\ bagi masyarakat merokok bukanlah suatu hal aneh. Kebiasaan ini masih tenis dilakukan walaupun hampir semua peroko…
Skripsi ini berjudul Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Pencurian Ringan Melalui Musyawarah Mufakat Dengan Pemuka Adat (Studi di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota). Terdapat rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ad…
Coronary heart disease is one of the causes with high amount of death in Indonesia. Coronary heart disease is a coronary atherosclerotic disease that causes narrowing of blood vessels. Therefore, t…
Pasir besi merupakan endapan pasir yang mengandung berbagai mineral di dalamnya, diantaranya adalah mineral hematit (Fe2O3) yang merupakan salah satu material yang digunakan dalam industri pembuata…
Swamp land especially peatlands in Indonesia has not been utilized optimally mainly for fish farming. This is constrained by the low pH of soil and water in swamps which are about 3.2 and 3.3. Catf…
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between perspective-taking and cyberbullying behavior among teenage fans of Korean idol groups. This study hypothesizes that there is a r…
This study aims to examine the influence of audit committee, audit firm status, auditor industry specialization in relation to real earnings management. Real earnings management methods used in thi…
HAZOPS is one of risk analysis which has a creativity interaction, systematic, and cooperate in identification problem. Gas block station (SPG) XI Lembak have a decission as a natural gas and oil p…
Skripsi ini berjudul “Kedudukan Hukum Hak Paten Sebagai Objek Jaminan Fidusia Dalam Prespektif Undang-Undang Nomor 42 tentang Jaminan Fidusia”. Tujuan dari penelitian skripsi ini untuk mengetah…