Ultisol is a soil that has a low fertility level. One way to improve the quality of the physical properties of ultisol soils is to provide soil enhancers. Biochar is one of the most widely used soi…
Indonesia is an agriculture country withh a diversity of genetic sources of fruits growing in various areas. This diversity presents a positive economic factor, particularly in marketing. In todayâ…
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam memodelkan matematika. terutama pada materi Himpunan. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka digunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Le…
Akne (jerawat) adalah suatu penyakit inflamasi kronik pada folikel sebaseus yang ditandai dengan adanya komedo, papula, pustula, nodula dan kista pada daerah-daerah predileksinya seperti wajah, dad…
overty is one of the problems in the Indonesian economy that needs to be addressed to create prosperity for the community. The Ministry of Social has created a program for handling the poor which i…
Penelitian mengenai seleksi beberapa rumput rawa yang berpotensi sebagai agen fitoremediasi limbah cair minyak bumi telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Desember 2012 di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusa…
Pada saat ini China merupakan negara yang negara-negara adidaya yang dapat diperhitungkan dan diwaspadai, seperti Amerika Serikat, karena sejak Kebangkitan China atau The Rise Of China, negara Chin…
Performance appraisal is a wayfor measuring the contribution of individuals to their organization. Performance appraisal consists of three steps tkere are, Standard work, prccess assessment, and fe…
The role of technology and information systems in companies or organizations today is needed to support the success of existing business processes in the company or organization. The Technology and…
The aims of this research are to: 1). Analyze factors affecting the production of RSS; 2) analyze the efficiency level of production factors on RSS production; 3) calculate income of company from R…
RSUD. Dr. H Mohamad Rabain merupakan sebuah rumah sakit umum daerah yang berada di Kabupaten Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini telah diberikan pihak RSUD. Dr. H. Mohamad Raba…
Referring to NFPA 1600, an emergency is a situation or event that requires security measures for objects, health, and safety. The existence of an evacuation scenario in the Dean building of the Fac…
This study aims to determine the student’s learning motivation of SMA Negeri 2 Plakat Tinggi during online learning. This study was a quantitative descriptive method. Data were collected was usin…
The problem of stunting, especially during toddlerhood, is considered serious because it can result in delays in motor development and decreased levels of intelligence, besides that the long-term i…
Narcotics from a juridical point of View is legitimate, narcotics laws only prohibit the use of narcotics without permission by law.The use of narcotics without permission is an increasing crime. U…
Tourism in Indonesia is one of the sectors that gives a contribution to the development of the Indonesian economy and in improving the welfare of its people. At the regional level, the tourism sect…
In the current era of globalization the growth of the world economy is increasing, especially with the integrity of goods and services resulting in new transactions namely e-commerce, encouraging c…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance dalam meningkatkan best practice. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data…
Background: Ulcer is one of the common lesion in oral mucosa. Ulcer could be treated with topical drugs, but prolonged use of topical drugs could induced several side effect, so alternative drugs f…
Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis potensi unggulan sektor pertanian di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan tahun 2015-2019 yang dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (…
Buku ini merupakan hasil riset penulis selama menempuh jenjang pendidikan S2 dan S3 di Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney. Bahasannya mencakup pengertian indikasi geografis, sejarah si…
Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) satu dimensi merupakan salah satu permasalahan optimasi dalam pemotongan bahan persediaan yang bertujuan mendapatkan sisa pemotongan (Trim Loss) seminimum mungkin. Tri…
ABSTRAK Penelitian mengenai seleksi beberapa rumput rawa yang berpotensi sebagai agen fitoremediasi limbah cair minyak bumi telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Desember 2012 di Laboratorium Mikrobio…
ABSTRAK Penelitian mengenai seleksi beberapa rumput rawa yang berpotensi sebagai agen fitoremediasi limbah cair minyak bumi telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Desember 2012 di Laboratorium Mikrobio…