Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) merupakan sumber lignoselulosa yang terdiri dari 45-50% selulosa, 25-35% hemiselulosa, dan 10-15% lignin. Lignin dapat menghambat proses pencernaan di dalam rumen …
Clindamycin HCl in conventional topical formulation has a problem in its formulation. It has low bioavalilability, just around 5-8% from total concentration that can be absorbed. In addition, clind…
Hotspot Point land cover conditions, soil type, elevation, and also rainfall which causes Ogan Komering Ilir Regency to have a high level of vulnerability to forest and land fires compared to other…
Anak secara garis besar berarti sesuatu yang lebih kecil, seseorang yang belum dewasa, atau suatu objek yang "dibawahi" oleh objek lain. Skripsi ini membahas tentang “Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pe…
Pokok permasalahan yang akan diteliti dalam skripsi ini yaitu, mengenai mata uang kripto sebagai alat pembayaran ditinjau dari peraturan bank indonesia nomor 20/pbi/2018 tahun 2018 tentang mata uan…
The coast of Ketapang, South Lampung is a sloping coastal area with the potential for sedimentation. Several hydro-oseanographic factors such as currents, tides and ocean waves are thought to trigg…
Remote sensing is a useful technique for mapping and monitoring geographic areas. Land classification based on satellite imagery is one of the applications of remote sensing. Classifying images man…
This study aims to find out the effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance of PT. Pegadaian (PERSERO) Jakabaring Palembang. The population in this study is all employees of PT. Pegadaian (P…
Object detection is required to prevent fire disaster. Object detection is a famous development in computer vision area. It’s because its ability that can differentiate between object in a natura…
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious respiratory disease caused by SARS-COV-2. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the SARS-COV-2 virus underwent mutations. This mutation produces new var…
Background: Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is one of the most common kidney diseases in children. NS can cause complications that are divided into two, which are infections and non-infections. Infections …
Indonesia merupakan Negara yang kaya akan sumber daya. Baik itu sumber daya manusia maupun sumber daya alamnya. Minyak bumi, batu bara dan berbagai macam gas alam menujukkan bahwa di Indonesia memi…
Robot is a mechanical device that can perform physical tasks with the aim of making it easier for humans to do dangerous work. This study aims to design a fire fighting robot using an ultrasonic se…
Perkembangan pemrograman berbasis web dan mobile saat ini semakin meningkat dan banyak digemari oleh para stakeholder. Banyaknya pilihan dalam pengembangan aplikasi mobile namun sedikit yang dapat …
In the manufacture of concrete, water is one of the important materials, because water will react with cement and become a mortar or paste to bind the concrete. Water that is good for use in the ma…
Indonesia is a country located in the equator which makes the climate of Indonesia is a tropical climate. Countries that have a tropical climate have the advantage that the biodiversity in Indonesi…