This research reports on leakage currents and flashovers on silicone rubber treated with coal dust (fly ash) pollutants with variations in the duration of impurity conditioning, namely 1; 2; 3 days…
Abstrak motivasi pelayanan publik merupakan aspek penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai salah satunya sebagai penentu kualitas dan kuantitas kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mel…
This final task is discussed about modification on the main span of the duplication bridge Musi II Palembang using PCI Girder pre-stressed beams as the upper structure in the span on main bridge of…
The aim of this research is to design and implement a 3-DOF robot arm for automatic plant watering based on Arduino UNO, to determine the success rate of the robot watering, and the time required f…
Indonesia is located in the Pacific ring of fire, which is the meeting zone of the world's three tectonic plates. The presence of these three plates makes Indonesia vulnerable to natural disasters …
Advancements in robotics technology have greatly influenced medical progress, with robots in the medical field aiding patient transport during the triage process. Triage used in Emergency Departmen…
This research discusses the implementation of the object detection method You Only Look Once (YOLO), capable of performing detection and localization in the form of object segmentation on an image.…
Kipas angin adalah salah satu perangkat pendingin yang umum digunakan di rumah,kantor, dan tempat lainnya. Di era digital saat ini, integrasi perangkat elektronik dengan teknologi Internet of Thing…
Intercropping between chaya plants and spinach (Ipomea reptans) is an alternative of optimizing land. Basically, the intensity of sunlight will affect the morphological properties of plants and eff…
Anomaly traffic is a condition that results in an abnormality in network traffic. Anomaly detections is a monitoring to monitor the movement that occurs in the network system. DDoS attack or Distri…
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 781K/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2022 mengenai sengketa hak merek Biostime. Penulisan penelitian ini merumuskan beberapa masalah, antara lain apa…
Persimpangan Jakabaring merupakan persimpangan yang mempunyai akses yang menghubungkan daerah seberang ilir dan daerah seberang ulu sehingga sering menyebabkan kemacetan. Untuk mengatasi kepadatan …
Penulisan ini di latarbelakangi dikarenakan selama ini banyak perusahaan asuransi yang tidak mampu membayar utang-utang nya kepada tertanggung yang mengakbatkan kerugian terhadap tertanggung terseb…
Oil palm (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) were important producer of eminent vegetable oil especially in Indonesia. However in the cultivation effort of oil palm plants were constrained by one of them was …
Nowadays, concrete are used in almost every construction, even for buildings, bridges, roads and so forth. The use of concrete construction as the dominant structural components, of course, due to …
Peatland is a type of land ecosystem in tropical forests, peatlands have high conservation value and have other functions such as hydrological functions, carbon reserves and biodiversity which are …
Delayed ovulation is a condition where ovulation is delayed. the cause of delayed ovulation in cattle is due to the lack of LH and FSH hormones in the blood. The study was conducted to determine th…
This study aims to determine the effect of service innovation variables on customer satisfaction in Wates Village, Bumi Ratu Nuban District, Central Lampung Regency. The method used in this study w…
Burai Ecotourism Village is an area that has potential natural and human resources so that it can be developed into a sustainable tourism object. The research was conducted from December 2022 to Ma…
Renewable energy sources are environmentally friendly alternative energy sources to replace fossil energy. One of the new renewable energy sources is a solar power plant that converts solar energy …
This paper presents the performance of a vertical-axis wind turbine with guide blades using a sharp angle flat plate blade profile applying an experimental study method. The main objective of this …
Areal Subhan Flaring yang terletak di kecamatan Bayung Lincir kabupaten Musi Banyuasin meliputi are gas plant, area flare, mess kontraktor dan mess tamu. Pembangunan area Subhan Flaring telah menin…
Upaya pemerintah terkait percepatan dalam mencapai target pembangunan ekonomi skala Nasional, pemerintah melakukan beberapa pengembangan yang salahsatunya melalui program penyiapan kawasan yang mem…
This study aims to determine the fuel consumption of an iron-wheeled hand tractor in tillage with various wheel diameters, forward speed, and plowshare width. This research was carried out from May…