This study entitled "The Influence of Brainstorming Methods on Learning Outcomes Subject of Tenth Graders of Senior High School Tunas Bangsa Palembang". In this study, the problem to be studied is …
The purposes of this research are: (1) to identify the services and benefits that provided by UPPB to rubber farmer’s and the obstacle that still facing of these institution in their activities. …
Bioethanol is a fuel which produced from a rich natural material containing cellulose, one of them is a empty palm fruit bund (EPFP). This research has made bioethanol from oil empty fruit bunch as…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan berpikir analisis siswa sebelum dan setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan blended learning berbantuan video tutorial dan responnya…
Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) is a new pest in maize in Indonesia. S. frugiperda is very detrimental because it attacks maize plants in the larval stage. S. frugiperda attacks maize plants in…
The aim of this study is hopelessness has a role toward with the quality of life of the wife that lives in the official house of PT.X Gandus subdistrict. The hypothesis of the study that hopelessne…
The aim of this study is determining wheter there is a role of problem focused coping and emotion focused coping toward academic stress among Faculty of engineering ungraduate programme. This study…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Interaksi Sosial Transmigran Spontan dengan Penduduk Asli di Kelurahan Sungai Daeng, Kecamatan Muntok, Kabupaten Bangka Barat. "Perbedaan dalam hal suku bangsa, agama, ad…
The phenomenon of the online games popularity is seen from rising various types of game applications that attract the attention of adolescents. The number of online gamers in major cities, especial…
Unhealthy eating patterns can trigger various diseases, one of them is diabetes mellitus (DM). For this reason, it is necessary to carry out a diet by observing and controlling the types of food co…
This research was conducted to determine the response of cauliflower to the treatment of a mixture of biochar palm oil shell and NPK fertilizer. The research was conducted in the Alang-Alang sub-di…
Starting from an agricultural agreement (Agreement on Agriculture / AoA) which is one of the agreements that have been regulated in the WTO. This agreement was made on the basis of opening up free …
This thesis is titled The Role of Organizational Communication of the Facilities and Infrastructure Section of FKIP UNSRI in Supporting the Learning Process. The purpose of this study is to find ou…
Masalah yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai edukatif dalam chiddit Beauty Cctse karangan Icha Rahmanti, yang mencakup nilai moral, agama, dan pengetahuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adala…
This study aims to determine the effect of age, work experience, number of dependent children, and husband's income on married-women workers productivity in the songket industry in Indralaya sub-di…
This research aimed to know and analyze the influence of attitude, subjective norms, motivation, labor market considerastion, financial reward for career as tax consultant on the accouting students…
Program Keluarga Harapan merupakan program bantuan sosial bersyarat yang diberikan pemerintah kepada keluarga miskin yang mencakup pemberian bantuan dalam komponen pendidikan, komponen kesehatan da…
This study aims to determine the utilization of lowland swamps based on community food needs in Ulak Kembahang 1 Village, Pemulutan Barat District, Ogan Ilir Regency by using the concept of environ…
This study entitled “The Effectiveness of Collecting the Result of the Management of Regional Wealth Separated in the City of Palembang in 2018 in the Palembang Regional Market Company”. This s…
This research examines the “Social Patterns of Boarding Students in Simple Alley, Jalan Silaberanti Plaju, Palembang City”. The purpose of this study was to determine the social patterns of boa…
The objective of this research was to find out the influence of SBI interest rates, inflation, and non-performing loans on the investment credit at commercial banks in Indonesia. The data used i n …
Banks are crucial institutions for economy. Healthy banks can stabilize the economy. Bank Indonesia sets standards for a healthy bank: Capital, assets quality, management, eamings, liquidity, and s…
This research entitled, “The Analysis Of The Influence Of The Capital And The Cost Labor To The Price Seiling Of Tent Business In Palembang City”. The objectives of this research are to know th…