Edisi kali ini menampilkan 8 Artikel: 1. Inventory of Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPs) in Bali Botanic Garden and the Adjacent Areas, Kuswantoro, Farid; Sutomo, Sutomo; Sujarwo, Wawan 2. Keke…
This study aims to determine the influence of TikTok social media on students' interest in learning the Civics Education subject in grade VII at SMP Negeri 1 Mesuji Makmur. This research used a qua…
Human face recognition has become a challenge for researchers to facilitate the human-machine interface. In this study, the Self Organizing Map method was used to recognize 45 human faces who have …
This research aims to empirically test the influence of tax planning, deferred tax expenses and free cash flow on earnings management of manufacturing companies in the food and beverage sub-sector …
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh permainan congklak terhadap kemampuan berhitung pada anak usia (5-6) Tahun di TK Tataku Kesuma Talang Kelapa Palembang. Manfaat dari…
Currently,the PlajuDarat Subdistrict Office does not have an integrated system to manage subdistrict potential data such as agricultural data collection.Jisheries potential,livestock potential,craf…
Wrong-way traffic violation is often committed by the public and frequently leads to traffic accidents and congestion. This research aims to develop a detection system using the You Only Look Once …
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis pangan dan tingkat konsumsinya oleh penduduk Kecamatan Buay Madang, menganalisis faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat konsumsi beras…
This research wants to see the extent of the role of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI-LBH) Palembang in providing free legal aid to people who seek justice in a poor condition. The purpos…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pengukuran laju kecepatan kendaraan di jalan tol menggunakan metode Haar Cascade Classifier berbasis citra bergerak. Metode ini memungkinkan peng…
The research was aimed to evaluated the effect of gambier compost on the growth of oil palm seedlings in the Pre Nursery. This research was conducted in the Greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture, Sr…
Land is a part of the earth called the earth's surface, land is one of the objects regulated by Agrarian Law. The Basic Agrarian Law is a basic rule that regulates rights to land, water and air, so…
Mill builcling adalah salah satu komponen pabrik semen yang fungsinya untuk menggiling dan mencampur bahan-bahan semen untuk dapat dikatakan sebagaai semen yang utuh, mill builcling adalah salah sa…
This study aimed to determine the effect of substitution of black rice flour (Oryza sativa L. Indica) on the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of gandus cake. This study used a Non-Fac…
There are much mount rock aggregate and river rock in Musi Rawas. This research purpose is to compare characteristic of mount rock aggregate and river rock HRS-WC mix from Musi Rawas. Lataston /(HR…
Kereta api merupakan salah satu alternatif transportasi darat yang ekonomis, aman, dan nyaman. Kelebihan dalam menggunakan kereta api ini adalah kereta api memiliki kapasitas yang besar dalam menga…
In the era of globalization, we can see the constructions such as the constructions of houses, industrial, office building, etc. The constructions nearly 60% of materials are concrete. Concrete are…
Muara Sungai adalah bagian hilir dari sungai yang berhubungan dengan laut. Muara sungai berfungsi sebagai pengeluaran/pembuatan debit sungai terutama pada waktu banjir ke laut. Selain itu muara sun…