This research is development research which aims to produce Basic Chemistry teaching materials for Nuclear Reactions based on STEM Problem Based Learning based on Amy Abbot's procedures which meet …
Latar Belakang: Oral candidiasis merupakan infeksi mukosa mulut yang paling umum terjadi pada individu dengan penurunan sistem kekebalan tubuh, terutama pada pasien HIV/AIDS. Penyebabnya adalah per…
Research on SiO2-ZrP with EDTA template synthesized by calcination, impregnation and hydrothermal methods for its application in the dehydration process of isopropyl alcohol to diisopropyl ether. B…
This research aims to determine the perfume formulation from essential oils of sweet orange peel, ylang ylang flowers and clove leaves on perfume quality. Isolate the essential oils of sweet orange…
High doses of antibiotics use continously can increase an antibiotic resistance, therefor a research for new antibiotics is needed to reduce the possibility of resistance. Actinomycetes are one of …
This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Tax Revenue, Poverty, and Population on Income Inequality in Regency / City of West Papua Province. The data used in this study are secondary data …
Spirulina platensis is a blue-green algae species that contains phycocyanin. The low stability of phycocyanin requires an effective delivery system, one of which is through the process of nanoencap…
Introduction: Obesity is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat within the body, resulting from an imbalance between the energy intake and expenditure. Obesity elevates the risk of vario…
Final year students are students who are vulnerable to experiencing stress due to the heavier pressure they are given, having to graduate on time, and the burden of final assignments. There are sev…
This study aims to determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer of chicory waste (Brassica chinensis L.) on the growth of capri beans (Pisum sativum L.) and to determine the best concentration…
An Internal Control System must be performed by every government agency to provide reasonable assurance that the governance has been implemented as required by the State Financial Regulation. This …
Rainfall intensity in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency has high rainfall intensity. Most of the people's work in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency is farming, if the intensity of high rainfall can have a negati…
This research aims to find significant relationship between personality type and academic achievement. The focus was finding the contribution of personality types toward students’ academic achiev…
Adopsi media sosial di sektor publik merupakan proses yang pada zaman ini seharusnya sudah diinternalisasi oleh sektor publik sebagai pelayan masyarakat mengingat kita sudah masuk dalam era pelayan…
Skripsi ini berjudul: “Peran Kantor Urusan Agama Dalam Menanggulangi Perkawinan Di Bawah Umur (Studi Di Kntor Urusan Agama Kecamtan Tanjung Batu)”. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih ba…
This research has the aim of knowing the strategy of Civics teachers in improving learning outcomes through courageous learning in UPT SMA Negeri 3 Ogan Ilir students. The method in this study used…
The performance of corporate social responsibility is the result of activities that have been obtained after carrying out activities in an effort to achieve the goals that have been set. Corporate …
This study aims to analyze the level of concentration in the powder milk and condensed milk processing industry in Indonesia, and to analyze the level of productivity in the powder milk and condens…
The objective research was to determine the effect of gambir catechin extract addition on the characteristics of instant robusta coffee. The experiment was conducted at Chemical, Processing, and Se…
This study aims to describe the percentage of cognitive scaffolding carried out by parents in children aged (5-6) years related to the stages of scaffolding during the Covid-19 pandemic in Paku Sen…
This study examines the factors that encourage and form parental decision-making in children's formal education in Pekayon Village East Jakarta City. The purpose of this study is to examine the fac…
Stroke ischemic can cause fatigue problems. Fatigue can be influenced by many factors, one of them is sleep quality problems. Sleep quality problems can increase fatigue problems. If fatigue proble…
Skripsi ini berjudul “Ratio Decidendi Hakim Dalam Memutus Perkara Bebas Pelaku Obstruction Of Justice Pada Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Studi Putusan Ma Nomor 78 Pk/Pid.Sus/2021).” Rumusan masalah ya…
ABSTRAK Judul Skripsi “Pemalsuan Tanda Tangan Dalam Penerbitan Berita Acara Rapat Dan Berita Acara Penyerahan Aset Yayasan Dalam Perspektif Pidana (Studi Putusan No.23/Pid.B/2019/PN.Mme)” Dalam…
Assignment problems are very common in a company. In the problem of assignment of officers will be placed on the most appropriate task. Assignment problems at PT. Bukit Asam, Tbk is located in TLS …
Research on the preparation of Li-Al alloy at various Ti/C catalyst concentrations on hydrogen adsorption capacity using the complex hydride method has been successfully carried out. This study aim…
Anemia is still a problem in pregnant women. According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women worldwide in 2019 reached 36.5%, while based on Riset Kesehatan D…
Keluhan Low Back Pain di tempat kerja merupakan suatu gangguan pada punggung bawah berupa rasa nyeri yang dirasakan olehpekerja dengan intensitas nyeri berbeda dari nyeri sedang hingga nyeri berat.…
The research study about “The Strategy Of Public Behavior Shift On Maintaining Bendung River Sanitation At Veteran Street Ward 9 Ilir Palembang City”. The research aims to ascertain the differe…