The selling price of FFB received between plasma and independent smallholders will have an impact on the income received. This study aims to 1) explain the mechanism for determining the selling pri…
Physical Quality of Pellets Made from Cassava Tubers and Indigofera zollingeriana Leaves With the Addition of Different Adhesives (Supervised by RIZKI PALUPI). Cassava tubers and Indigofera zolling…
Foamed concrete termasuk kategori beton ringan (lightweight concrete), perbedaan foamed concrete dan beton konvensional adalah dengan mengganti agregat kasar pada beton konvensional dengan busa bua…
Efisiensi sistem jaringan jalan dan jembatan akan berpengaruh terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi penggunanya, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai perjalanan atau mobilitas yang dilakukannya, baik ke tem…
This study aims to develop interactive hyperlink powerpoint media based on the contextual teaching and learning model on the material for building classroom V at SDN 68 Palembang and also aims to f…