One of the problems that often occurs in workers and also in employers is work accidents. Work accidents and occupational illnesses can occur in informal workers because the informal sector is gene…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsepsi topik kebakaran hutan dan lahan pada peserta didik kelas VII SMP sebelum dan sesudah pemodelan dampak karhutla. Metode yang digunakan da…
Penulisan skripsi ini didasari dari masih adanya kekurangan instrumen tentang pengaturan hukum angkutan multimoda di Indonesia dan penjelasan tentang hubungan hukum dari para pihak terkait. Adapun …
Musi V Bridge is part of Kapal Betung Toll Road (Kayu Agung-Palembang-Betung). Musi V Bridge is located in Gandus Subdistrict and is planned to be 2.3km from the ramp in and out of the adjacent tol…
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan yang memperlihatkan bahwa aktivitas dan hasil belajar peserta didik di SMAN 10 Palembang pada pembelajaran biologi masih kurang dari kriteria ketun…
This thesis aimed to describe what kinds of politeness strategy is used by the teacher and what kinds of politeness strategy is used by students in English class. The objects in this research were …
Pabrik pembuatan Trietanolamina berkapasitas produksi 13.000 ton/tahun ini direncanakan berdiri pada tahun 2025 di Kawasan Industri Surya Cipta, Kutamekar,, Kecamatan Ciampel, Kabupaten Karawang, J…
Penulisan skripsi ini dilatar belakangi Putusan MK No.46/PUU-VIII/2010 yang menetapkan bahwa Pasal 43 Undang-Undang No.16 Tahun 2019 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Pe…
anau Ceper is the lowest prevalence of diarrohea prevalence at Jejawi which is 10,2%, but also as the smallest village of healthy latrine access which is 11%. To solve this problem, the village gov…
Indonesia it self records about 58,256 cases of breast cancer deaths each year. There were 957cases of breast cancer in South Sumatra in 2018 and 772 cases in 2019. This will greatly affect the qua…
This research is a quantitative descriptive study on the Effect of Training on Employee Performance in the Human Resources Development and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) in PALI Regenc…
The objectives of study were to find out the relationship between the price strategy and profit margin of the Songket weaving industry in Palembang. Descriptive quantitative and cross tabulation we…
Tobacco industry has an important role in stirring the national economy through the tax sector in the form of tobacco excise. There are two major kinds of tobacco industry, namely clove cigarette i…
Background: Heart disease in pregnant women are one of the causes of the highest morbidity and mortality in pregnancy and childbirth. Teamwork among multidiscipline include the anesthesiologist is …
This study aims to determine the role of family support for the resilience of drug rehabilitation participants in Palembang City. The hypothesis of this study is there is a role of family support f…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pengendalian internal dan good corporate governance (dewan komisaris, komite audit, dewan direksi, kepemilikan institusional dan kepemilikan manajeri…
Skripsi ini dilatar belakangi pada kasus yang terjadi pada perjanjian yang dilaksankan antara Brilante Production dan Panitia Buku Tahunan pada perjanjian buku tahunan SMA Negeri 14 Padang Angkatan…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kontrol diri terhadap disiplin. Adapun hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian yaitu ada peranan kontrol diri terhadap disiplin…