In this study, the outhers developed an that aims to provide ordering media for consumers to able to make bookings or orders cas wash service online. The benefit of this research is to make it easi…
This research is motivated by the current phenomenon that the role of women needs to be built in a sustainable manner so that they are more able to face growing global challenges, not to mention th…
Advertising influences a person's perspective on gender functions and roles that have traditionally been distinguished by masculinity and femininity. Among the many advertisements that present a re…
In order to accelerate the handling of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has issued vaccinations for the people of Indonesia at the end of 2020. The v…
The purpose of this research are to describe the elements of femininity and ideological of patriarchy that affect the Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku film from 2019. The theory used in this research is the f…
This study was conducted to find out and analyze the role of the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation in dealing with human trafficking in Nepal in 2016-2019. The Regional Organization i…
This study aimed to determine the effect of belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) juice addition into soybean immersion media and yeast concentration on tempe fermentation. This research was conduc…
This book includes papers presented at the International Conference “Educational Robotics in the Maker Era – EDUROBOTICS 2020”, Online, February 2021. The contributions cover a variety o…
Dalam melaksanakan jabatannya, Notaris wajib membacakan akta di hadapan penghadap. Sebaliknya, apabila dibacakan bukan oleh Notaris, kekuatan pembuktian akta menjadi tidak sempurna, dan dapat menim…
This book explores a number of important issues in the area of occupational safety and hygiene. Presenting both research and best practices for the evaluation of occupational risk, safety and healt…
This study aims to empirically examine the effect of transfer pricing, capital intensity, institutional ownership and political connection on tax avoidance. In this study, tax avoidance is proxied …
Dalam skripsi ini mengkaji tentang “Optimalisasi Pembinaan dan Pengayoman Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Terhadap Lanjut Usia Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Kelas IIA Palembang”. Adapun rumusan …
Perkembangan dunia konstruksi di Indonesia telah berkembang pesat. Dengan perkembangan tersebut, penggunaan beton sebagai salah satu jenis material konstruksi semakin tinggi. Beton dapat digunakan …
The aims of this study were (1) determine the effect of member participation on the success of cooperative efforts, (2) analyze the effect of service quality on the success of cooperative business,…
Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pangan nasional dan meminimalkan perbedaan distribusi pengembangan sumber daya air di daerah-daerah, maka Pemerintah Indonesia telah melaksanakan serangkaian usaha t…
This study aims to analyze the effect of economic growth on government consumption expenditure and household consumption expenditure in ASEAN-5. The data used in this study is secondary data source…