This research aims create 3D image from the results of microscopic observations of epidermal tissue in several types of plants using a blender software. This research was conducted at the Biology E…
This study aims to develop a number block media into a cuisenaire rod for the serialization ability of children aged (4-5) years in East Gumawang Oku that is valid and practical. This development u…
Sanitation is a global problem. Public places are points of community gathering and can be a source of disease transmission. The traditional market area is one of the clusters of the spread of the …
Sukajadi Health Center is the only inpatient health center in the Talang Kelapa District area. In its activities, the Sukajadi Health Center produces solid medical waste that is dangerous and toxic…
Dental plaque was a soft deposit that developed a biofilm attached to the surface of teeth and gum, it could lead to dental problems such as dental caries and gingivitis if not cleaned. Mechanic cl…
This study aims to analyze differences in profitability before and after the acquisition. The profitability ratios used in this study are the ratio of GPM, NPM, OPM, ROA, ROE and EPS. The populatio…
Dental plaque was a soft deposit that developed a biofilm attached to the surface of teeth and gum, it could lead to dental problems such as dental caries and gingivitis if not cleaned. Mechanic cl…
This research is a study that uses a quantitative research approach with a descriptive method. Which has the purpose of knowing the level of academic stress in students who play online games at SMA…
This study discusses the Effectiveness of Contribution Receivable Settlement at the Palembang City Branch of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. The purpose of this study is to determine the process of settlemen…
Activities from fish farming activities to increase the concentration of N and P nutrients from fish food scraps have the potential to reduce water quality. When the concentration of these elements…
Provision of complementary foods for breast milk in an inappropriate way can affect the growth and development of children. The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding can be caused by the early pr…
Background: Neck and shoulder pain is one of the prevalent complaints among people. The risk factors that play a role in neck and shoulder pain complaints can differ from one population to another.…
Potassium is a macro nutrient that is needed by plants for growth and development as well as defense against plant diseases. This research will study the effect of various dosages of potassium fert…
Latar Belakang: Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar Indonesia (Riskesdas) tahun 2018, 57,6%. masyarakat Indonesia memiliki masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah rendahnya pengetahu…
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan dan menguji efektifitas program perkuliahan perubahan iklim dengan model pembelajaran YSBC (Yoyo system Based Case) pada penguasaan konten dan keterampilan b…
Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu pertama, untuk mengetahui sistem pengendalian internal atas siklus penjualan kredit dan penerimaan kas pada PT Teguh Asia Mandiri; dan kedua, untuk mengeva…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis macromedia flash untuk meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn di Sekolah Menengah Atas yang valid, …