PEndidikan merupakan landasan utama dalam membentuk masyarakat yang cerdas, kreatif dan berdaya saing tinggi. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman mendalam terhadap metode penelitian yang relevan dan efektif…
This book covers a range of important topics on environmental remediation, biofuels and value-added microbial products for environmental clean-up, water and wastewater recycling and sustainable was…
This book covers a range of important topics on crop and animal genetics, breeding and genomics, as well as biodiversity and genetic resources conservation and utilization reflecting three thematic…
The United States' foreign policy towards the Iran nuclear issue changed drastically during the transition from President Barack Obama's administration to the administration of President Donald Tru…
Oil palm is a plantation commodity that brings many uses and has economic value, because every part of the plant can be processed into quality goods that can bring huge profits which of course have…
This study aims to design the construction of a forage chopper machine to facilitate the process of chopping plants and forage plants as animal feed. This research was carried out from October 2021…
This book tackles the recent research directions in using the newly emerged technologies during the era of COVID-19 pandemic. It mainly focuses on using emerging technologies and their impact on he…
Karet merupakan salah satu limbah padat yang terbuat dari bahan yang fleksibel dan akan menimbulkan masalah apabila tidak ditanggulangi Ilal inilah yang melatarbelakangi pemanfaatan bahan limbah ka…
Kecelakaan kerja merupakan kejadian yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang dapat menyebabkan cidera atau kesakitan (tergantung dari keparahannya), bahkan kematian. ILO memperkirakan sebanyak 2,34 j…
This book provides readers with an up-to-date account of the use of machine learning frameworks, methodologies, algorithms and techniques in the context of computer-aided design (CAD) for very-larg…
This book documents some of the most recent advances on the physical layer of the Internet of Things (IoT), including sensors, circuits, and systems. The application area selected for illustrating …
This research motivated the PKP program by the BKPSDM Ogan Ilir during the pandemic. So there are adjustments in the implementation, it is feared that participants will not be at their best when go…
This study aims to determine connection self-efficacy and burnout in hospital nurses in Indonesia. The hypothesis of this research is that there are connection self-efficacy against burnout. Respon…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kelangsungan hidup ikan nila yang terserang bakteri A. hydrophila dengan menggunaakan ekstrak tangkai eceng gondok. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bula…
Preklampsia adalah terjadinya peningkatan tekanan darah lebih dari 140/90, proteinuria, dan odema. Preeklampsia merupakan risiko yang dapat membahayakan ibu serta janin. Sampai saat ini terjadinya …