This paper presents an experimental study of forced convection heat transfer of water flow in a pipe with semi-circular grooves oriented towards the inside of the pipe. Heat is supplied through a h…
This book aims to provide readers with up-to-date knowledge on how to make these technologies smarter. Humanity is now going through difficult times to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. Simultaneously, …
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that generally appears in the form of auditory hallucinations, paranoia, or disorganized speech and thinking. Schizophrenia can be diagnosed using an EEG signal e…
Buku saku ini menawarkan akses menuju fakta dan konsep paling penting dari Robbins & Cotran Dasar Patologis, Edisi 7 yang cepat dan mudah dibawa. Disusun sesuai dengan buku induknya, referensi ini …
Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the second most malignancy of skin tumor after Basal Cell Carcinoma. However, the nature of it is very invasive that can start metastasis through lymph nodes or blood. 75…
Buku ini terdiri dari 5 bab yang membahas mulai dari konten dan aplikasi mobile device, visual dan .net framework, perancangan sistem pada client dan server, implementasi sistem hingga pe…