Aretha Campbell has worked in the offshore financial services industry for the past 16 years and is a recent PhD graduate from the University of Salamanca, Spain in the area of Rule of Law and Glob…
This book examines how alcohol intoxication impacts upon the memory of rape victims and provides recommendations for how best to investigate and prosecute such rape complaints. An estimated 75% of …
Relations between societal values and legal doctrine are inevitably complex given the time lag between law and social reality, and the sociological space between legal communities involved in the d…
This book addresses age-based persecution of children as a crime against humanity in connection with genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (persecution - with some variation in the eleme…
On behalf of Professor Hugh Brady, Director and Senior Fellow, The Flag Research Center at the University of Texas School of Law, "Flags, Color, and the Legal Narrative: Public Memory, Identity, an…
This book argues for a more moderate approach to history-writing in international criminal adjudication by articulating the elements of a “responsible history” normative framework. The question…
This book explores the use of restorative justice approaches in the context of environmental crimes. It critically assesses regular criminal justice approaches with regard to green crimes and explo…
This book stems from the CyberBRICS project, which is the first major attempt to produce a comparative analysis of Internet regulations in the BRICS countries – namely, Brazil, Russia, India, Chi…
This book is a tribute to the work of Professor Terry Gill, offered to him by friends and colleagues who are also academics and/or practitioners in the field of International Law of Military Operat…
Environmentalists devote little attention at the moment to the size and growth of the human population. To counter this neglect, the monograph (i) includes original graphs showing population size …
The book presents a comprehensive reconceptualization of Geert Hofstede’s well-known concept of power distance, applying the theory to the specific case of judge–witness courtroom interactions …
This book comprehensively discusses the effects of digital technology on the way work is disseminated and the resulting challenges concerning the fair use of copyright. It also analyzes so-called f…
This open access book deals with Article 7 TEU measures, court proceedings, financial sanctions and the EU Rule of Law Framework to protect EU values with a particular focus on checks and balances …
This book selects leading, innovative and influential Chinese maritime judgments and presents full translation of them, with brief summary, to the readers so that they can have insights of how the …
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of Financial Literacy and Lifestyle on Employee Retirement Readiness at the Regional Inspectorate of South Sumatra. The research method used i…
Buku Akuntansi Syariah di Indonesia Edisi 2 Revisi ini merupakan buku pengantar mengenai penerapan akuntansi syariah yang sesuai dengan ketentuan dan perundang- undangan di Indonesia, Kerangka dasa…
This study aims to find out the contents of the Naruto film, as well as understand the position of Japanese women in a family concept in Japan, namely the concept of Ie. This study uses a descripti…
The objective of this study was to determine whether or not there was a significant correlation between the influence of students’ regional accent and pronunciation ability; a significant correla…
In this study, it discusses how the interpersonal communication process is carried out by Starbucks Rajawali Palembang baristas with customers. This study uses John Thibault and Harold Kelley's soc…
Human rights itself is divided into several rights, one of which is the right to women where this right is regulated to protect women from discrimination that occurs and also so that women get the …
This study examines and compares the results of the Fuzzy Inference System using the Tsukamoto method and the Mamdani method in predicting the risk level of coronary heart disease. A total of 47 da…
Comprehensive economic cooperation carried out by Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates, which examines Indonesia's national interests in the Indonesia-United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic …
Service is an important aspect which is one of the determinants of the quality possessed by agencies, especially those engaged in the service sector. This study aims to find out how the strategy is…
This study analyzes the formation of personal branding through consumptive behavior in students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sriwijaya University and the benefits of personal br…
Money lenders are a type of work that is actually not much different from banks and non-bank financial institutions engaged in savings and loan services. The difference is that money lenders are en…
Trailers are movie advertisements that are used to attract interest in watching movies. Prospective viewers who have watched the trailer and are interested will buy tickets to watch the film in the…
This book constitutes the first publication to utilise a range of social science methodologies to illuminate diverse and new aspects of health research in prison settings. Prison contexts often hav…
This book analyzes the legal and economic situation concerning the removal and allocation of natural resources in the Caspian Sea – the largest enclosed body of salt water in the world, which not…
This book deals with the phenomenon of conflict-related reproductive violence and explores the international legal framework’s capacity to respond to it. The international discourse on gender-bas…
This book explores convergences of legal doctrine despite jurisdictional, cultural and political barriers, as well as divergences due to such barriers, examining topics that are of vital importance…