Waste is one of the problems in the city of Palembang, so the government is anticipating it by building TPS spread across the city of Palembang. However, in reality, many TPS do not have waste mana…
Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) remain a major global health problem. Based on 2018 riskesdas data, the number of ARI cases in Lahat District was 9.17%. One of the risk factors for ARI is behavi…
The COVID-19 pandemic is officially designated as non-natural national disaster. A spatial assessment of COVID-19 risk is needed to assess risk characteristics based on the likelihood and impact of…
The Covid-19 pandemic has had the greatest impact on the psychological condition of health workers who work in hospitals. The psychological disorders felt by health workers, especially nurses, are …
Peran fisioterapi pada karyawan penting untuk mengurangi nyeri pada punggung bawah. Pekerja kantoran cenderung bekerja dalam posisi duduk dalam jangka waktu yang lama dengan kondisi statis yang men…
Anemia in pregnancy is a health problem that occurs in developing countries and contributes to high morbidity rates in pregnant women. This research aims to find out what factors influence pregnant…
Masa Remaja adalah tahap transisi dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa, dimana masa ini sangat berpengaruh dengan kualitas kesehatan reproduksi. Posyandu remaja adalah kegiatan berbasis kesehatan y…
World Health Organization menyatakan bahwasanya ASI eksklusif merupakan sebuah tindakan bebas makanan dan minuman dimana hal ini berarti hanya ASI yang boleh di beri ke anak hingga usia 6 bulan. Ha…
Pornography among teenagers is currently increasingly worrying. Accessing pornography is a negative behavior that is often carried out by teenagers because it is considered a place to fulfill their…
Occupational safety culture refers to the corporate values that are inseparable from planned, measurable, structured and integrated K3 efforts and implementation through the management system. This…
Stunting is a nutritional problem that needs attention because it cannot be resolved completely around the world. Stunting itself is a nutritional problem that is not only caused by factors that af…
The gas industry sector as a fuel in its operational activities has the potential for emergencies so that gas companies must be prepared in efforts and prevention of emergencies. The purpose of thi…
COVID-19 merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Penyakit ini akan menginfeksi saluran respirasi dan menimbulkan gejala ringan,…
The issue of mental disorders has begun to be raised in recent years. Mental disorders can be suffered by anyone from young people to the elderly. Not a few workers in Indonesia experience what is …
JKN is a program of the Indonesian Government to create Universal Health Coverage (UHC) asmandated by Law no. 40/2004 SJSN. The achievement of UHC in Palembang City in June 2023 has reached 100%, a…
The high risk in the oil and gas industry demands an effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3). Despite technical safety improvements, accidents still occur, and human facto…
Background :Breast milk (ASI) is a source with a balanced composition for the growth and development needs of babies. Exclusive breastfeeding is required for babies aged 0-6 months to reduce morbid…
Head lice infestation, Pediculosis capitis, is caused by the parasitic insect Pediculus humanus capitis on the skin and scalp of humans. The prevalence of Pediculosis capitis worldwide is quite hig…
The occurrence of HIV/AIDS among adolescents is a serious issue that must be addressed to prevent its continuous spread. Various adolescent behaviors that are at risk of HIV/AIDS are referred to as…
Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that causes the highest mortality. Hypertension cases in KayuAgung Subdistrict in 2021 were 15,678 cases and Kutaraya Health Center dominated the cases wi…
Stunting masih menjadi ancaman utama bagi kualitas manusia Indonesia dan kemampuan daya saing bangsa. Berdasarkan data (BKKBN) Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, prevalensi stunting di Kota Palembang per A…
The toddler period is a golden period where at the age of 0-5 years the growth and development of the toddler's brain increases rapidly. So every family needs to understand this golden age period s…
One of the government's efforts to control the population's birthrate, regulate birth spacing, avoid unwanted pregnancies so as to reduce MMR and IMR (maternal and infant mortality rates) is the Fa…
Stroke is the second reason for death and third reason for disability in the world. Stroke used to be called as a disease for old people, but as the increase of risk behavior that the young people …
Background: Visits to Posbindu of productive age in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in 2022 will only be 78.21%. The highest results of visits to Posbindu are in the city of Pangkalpinang, amo…
Low Back Pain or lower back pain is an injury that results from poor physical activity. Some of the factors that can influence the occurrence of complaints of low back pain are position, duration o…
Diarrhea is the leading cause of death in toddlers around the world, including Indonesia. The incidence of diarrhea in toddlers is supported by determinants, so it is worth doing research that can …
Background. Delivery via caesarean section has a higher level of risk than normal delivery. Meanwhile, the number of sectio caesarea (SC) deliveries at Central Bangka Hospital experienced a fairly …