APA Style

Hamimi, Zakaria, Fowler, Abdel-Rahman, Liégeois, Jean-Paul, Collins, Alan, Abdelsalam, Mohamed G., EI-Wahed, Mohamed Abd. (2021). The Geology of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (1). Switzerland: Springer Cham.

Chicago Style

Hamimi, Zakaria, Fowler, Abdel-Rahman, Liégeois, Jean-Paul, Collins, Alan, Abdelsalam, Mohamed G., EI-Wahed, Mohamed Abd. The Geology of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. 1 Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2021. Electronic Resource.

MLA Style

Hamimi, Zakaria, Fowler, Abdel-Rahman, Liégeois, Jean-Paul, Collins, Alan, Abdelsalam, Mohamed G., EI-Wahed, Mohamed Abd. The Geology of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. 1 Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2021. Electronic Resource.

Turabian Style

Hamimi, Zakaria, Fowler, Abdel-Rahman, Liégeois, Jean-Paul, Collins, Alan, Abdelsalam, Mohamed G., EI-Wahed, Mohamed Abd. The Geology of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. 1 Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2021. Electronic Resource.